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Posts posted by SJDrummond

  1. Hello Guys!

    So I bought an el cheapo Heatbed, I'm assuming its a fake Reprap MK3 Heated as it was only £8.


    The side that heats up also has the contacts to wire the cables in. This means that it will not sit flush to the underside of my 3mm Aluminium Bed. I was wondering if anybody else had had this issue, and found a way around it apart from cutting out a section for the contacts to sit through. Also wondered whether it would work upside down, or would this be extremely inefficient.




  2. Jumping in a little late here, has anybody tried using a material such as dynamat?

    I know its supposed to be for audio purposes but its main feature is that it absorbs vibrations.

    I haven't got a before and after shot of ringing, but I have stuck a sheet on the back of my UMO and i don't have too many issues with ringing. Admittedly, I stuck it on to try and reduce the noise the machine made but it could aid the vibrations also?

  3. Sorry to jump back onto an old thread!

    Ive been trying to get the DRV8825's to work in my UMO, I've doubled the steps per unit, but it seems to have made no difference. When i send a command to move 100mm it still only moves 50mm, however if i reduce the steps per unit, it reduces the distance accordingly. So no matter what i change, it doesn't want to move further than 50mm in one go. Im very confused. Wondered whether it might have anything to do with the jumpers on the bottom limiting it somehow. I also read somewhere that these drivers can be slower at receiving a signal and require you to change something in the firmware such that the signal has a delay or something.

  4. Managed to fix it! Turned out it was the steppers overheating! adjusted the pots, and eventually got it going! However, the head is only moving half as much as it supposed to, it appears that all axis is coming out half scale!

    Having thought about it for a bit longer, i realised it wasn't just that they were overheating! So i had two different types of drivers for the motors, one was the A4988 and the others were the upgraded DRV8825. Both have different micro stepping, 1/16 vs 1/32, hence why one axis was moving more than the other! After accidentally blowing up the A4988 i replaced it with a DRV8825, which corrected the issue! I then had to correct the steps per mm for the new micro stepping.

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  5. Hi SandervG! Thanks for your reply!

    Just went round tightening all of the screws, every single one was as tight as i could possibly get it.

    The only other thing i have changed recently was the 12V regulator to the switching regulator such that i could use a 24V supply, could this have had an effect on the motors?

    Its a strange problem, When prints come out, they print well, but just squashed in the y direction.

  6. Hi, I'm having an issue with my self built UMO, i just installed an E3D Hot end, which seems to have caused the Y axis to move much less than the X axis for some reason. Before i had no issues with this. I have checked marlin, and the steps per mm are the same for each of the x and y axis. Im stumped. Anybody got any ideas as to what this could be?

    Thanks, Sean.

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