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Posts posted by cropduster

  1. Zurück zum Filkemp Nylon:

    Ich habe das jetzt mal mit meinem Drucker getestet (BeeThefirst+), wobei ich kein beheiztes Druckbett habe und nur auf Blue Tape gedruckt habe. Perfekt, lässt sich wie PLA drucken, nur bei 230-235°C. Ich sehe kein warping.

    Es handelt sich um pre-lubricated Low Temperature Nylon, vermutlich ähnlich wie Taulman Nylon 230.

    Vorteil scheint zu sein, dass man kein besonderes Druckbett benötigt. Bei taulman Nylon 618 und 230 druckt man am Besten auf MDF-Platten oder tatsächlich grobfaseriges Papier, das hat bei mir auch geklappt, aber dennoch haben sich die Drucke vom Bett gelöst.

    Beim Filkemp Nylon sehe ich das nicht. Prima Filament.

  2. I didn't realize you wanted to use the {} feature.  When you are in cura, do "file save profile..." and then open the resulting ini file in a text editor.  Every parameter in there should be insertable into the start gcode if you want using the {} feature with the names basically matching the names in the ini file.


    I just installed Cura 2.1.2 and tried to set it up to work withe the (currently unsupported) BeeTheFirst+ printer.

    I realized that the whole Gcode stuff changed and the { } brackets do not work anymore, but Cura now adds izs own temperature lines in front of the user defined start gcode script.


  3. Hi,

    I actually have a BeeThefirst+ printer (with gcode flavor set to RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter) and that's the gcode start script:




    M206 X500


    M104 S220

    G92 E

    M642 W1

    M130 T6 U1.3 V80

    G1 X-98.0 Y-20.0 Z5.0 F3000

    G1 Y-68.0 Z0.3

    G1 X-98.0 Y0.0 F500 E20

    G92 E


    I export gcode and then print the gcode in the beesoft application that come with the printer.

    I am fairly new to printing and now I am not sure if I should edit the line M104 S220 each time I want to change the temperature to a different value or if I enter the variable M104 S(print_temperature) which is in the .ini file and corresponds to the value in the gui.



  4. Hi,

    this is probably a newbie question, but anyhow:

    I have my temperature setting in Cura to 210 deg, this shows up in the ini file. In the gcode strat script the 220 deg are hardcoded with the line M104 S220.

    I always thought that would only apply to the hetaing up, but I am not so sure. Does Cura then take the 210 deg for printing or the value in the gcode section?

    If the latter, do I need to change to M104 S(print_temperature]? Or what would be the correct notation?

    Thank a lot,


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