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Posts posted by GergesHana

  1. For the past month I have been fighting warping on my Ultimaker 2+, no matter what I try I cannot get a print larger than 2x2" to not warp.

    It hasn't always been this way, but it feels like it's been a while since I've had a warp free print!

    Any idea how to fix this?

    Things I've already tried:


    • Blue painters tape - Heated bed turned off
    • Hairspray
    • Glue Stick
    • Clean glass build plate


    I've tried the above (With the exception of the painters tape) with the following settings & techniques:


    • Printing with a large brim (8mm+)
    • 50c 55c60c 65c 70c heated bed
    • 205c 210c 215c 220c 225c 230c Nozzle temp
    • Creating an enclosure for the Ultimaker to prevent draft and retain heat
    • Turning off the fans for the entire print
    • Printing at higher temperatures on the bed & nozzle for the first few layers, then lowering the temp on bed and nozzle
    • Increasing layer thickness to .3mm and line width up to 120


    My most common settings are .4mm nozzle printing at 1mm layer height using Cura 15.04.6 & 2.1.2

    Maybe this can also serve as a guide to anyone who is having the same problem.

  2. Don't know if the issue I recently experienced is related, but earlier today my firmware got corrupted randomly. No signs of lights or anything, everything appeared dead.

    Was able to plug in the machine via USB to a PC and re-update the firmware. Booted back up like a charm.

    Worth a shot!

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