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Everything posted by ulivk

  1. Hi. I have found it. Thinkergnome Firmware can change the direction from the Printer menu: Advanced/Preferences/MotionSettings/Invert Axis/E
  2. Hi again. I was able to modify the firmware. The axis are doing great. But there is another issue. The feeder is turning in the wrong direction. It seems like the firmware is for Ultimaker 2, and I have 2+. How can I solve that?
  3. Thanks. I will take a look at it. And if it is to hard, than I will wait for the delivery from china 🙂
  4. Thank you very much for your reply. Yes, since I am using MArk2, I already use the 5th driver for the second extruder. It was my Corona-time project and took me a lot of time. It is done nicely, but to be honest, I newer really use it. Still, it wouldn't be nice to throw it away... Do you think that this is the correct main board for me: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005005756158702.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.43.7578p6Tdp6TdYa&algo_pvid=03e0d934-c64a-479b-9122-53e9f2fd81ed&algo_exp_id=03e0d934-c64a-479b-9122-53e9f2fd81ed-21&pdp_npi=4%40dis!EUR!105.04!105.04!!!112.64!112.64!%402101fb0c17049866118672288e8f66!12000034242419492!sea!SI!0!AB&curPageLogUid=noe5H9f8L5RZ&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A Can you also point me to the detailed instructions how to use the E2 for the Z axis. It may be the easiest way to solve the issue.
  5. The X axis of my Ultimaker 2+ has stopped working and it makes strange noises and vibrations. If I switch X and Y (or Z) stepper motor on the main board, then the same problem shows on the other axis. This means that the stepper motor is working. I assume that there is a problem in the stepper driver on the main board. Does anybody know if this can be repaired, or do I need to buy a new main board? Do you have any experiences with the Chinese clones from Aliexpress? The original is pretty expensive... Maybe important: the printer has a Mark2 upgrade for dual extrusion, which was working properly for several years. After the problem happened I have flashed it with the original firmware and made factory reset, but the problem is still there. Link to the video:
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