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Posts posted by spalsh

  1. Thanks yellowshark,

    I'm wondering if it is a Cura issue that its maximum model volume is slightly smaller than the Ultimaker's specified build volume...


    I have always assumed that Cura works with the dims YOU enter for the printer, not for the printer itself. If that is the case then your model either exceeds those dimensions at least on one axis, or the model is not centred and is exceeding one of those dimensions.


  2. Thanks DaHai8, I noted those settings and will bear them in mind for future models; for this particular print, I'm assuming I won't need any support as there are no overhanging areas - it's almost a cube-like shape, 200 x 221 x 52mm high, so it does fall within the build volume specification for the Ultimaker2, which I assume is the maximum model size!  



    In Cura, look under Build Plate Adhesion. Skirt, Brim and Raft. All add extra width and depth to an object. If your object is very close to the max size of your build plate, this can cause it to exceed it.

    Try setting Skirt Line Count = 0 and Skirt Distance = 0

    That will give you maximum build plate area at the cost of not priming your print head before printing.


  3. I've set up a model to print within the Ultimaker 2 Build volume dimensions of 230 x 225 x 205 as per the manual.

    The footprint definitely falls within these dimensions, but when I bring the STL file into Cura at the correct scale, I get a greyed out model. I've tried rotating by 90 deg, but it doesn't help.

    Is this the correct build volume dimension or should I be working within a slightly smaller volume?

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