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Everything posted by KDeus

  1. Just to follow up, I installed Cura 2.3, imported the same model, and printed it. The thinnest wall on the new print appears to be a single pass. The measured width is more like 0.5 - 0.6mm, which is hopefully small enough that the supports can be pulled away easily.
  2. It's definitely not just a single pass + travel pass. My calipers measure the support walls to be 0.8 to 0.9mm. I've imported a test model into Cura 15.04.6. Here's the result (and you can see the original model from Fusion 360 in the background): The widths in the original model are 0.21mm, 0.41mm, 0.61mm, 0.81mm, 1.01mm. Here's the result from printing the model. It's a little hard to tell from the picture, but you can see it printed 2 lines side by side, even on the thinnest part: The thinnest part of the model that printed is between 0.8 and 0.9mm: This is the profile I'm using: TestPrintSettings.ini
  3. I've created a model with its own custom supports, and I created the support walls to be a single layer wide (ie. just over 0.4mm, for a 0.4mm nozzle). But when I print this using Cura 15.04.6, the support walls are printed in two passes, so they're 2 layers wide (0.8mm). Is the same true of Cura 2? Or does Cura 2 support single-width walls?
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