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Posts posted by adz123

  1. Strange photo, the rhs is almost perfect, apart from the warp and the LHS is a mess! There are various things wrong with your settings – I am not sure if they will fully fix the warp, as I find it difficult to interpret the geometry from the pic but make some changes and that will get you on the way.

    Fill: bottom/top thickness – with a layer height of .1 over 20% infill 6 layers are not enough. I suggest you set it to 12, 10 might do.

    Extruder temp.: 220c is too hot for layer height of .1 and 50 mm/s. Try 200c. If you see under extrusion then raise it 5 degrees. If it looks fine you might want to try 195c. I rarely use .1 and 50 so I am not sure what the optimum temp will be, but not 220!

    Bed temp: too hot. Take it down to 60c. You do not mention using adhesive but with a brim you should be OK. How big is the surface area sitting on the bed? If it does not stick then raise it in 5 degree steps.

    Print speed; ah I see your print speed is not 50. OK with the exception of travel speed and 1st layer speed -  choose somewhere between 30-50 and keep all the speeds the same. If you chose 30 I would definitely drop the extruder temp to 195, probably better at  190.

    Cooling: you do no mention fan %, I am a bit lazy on this and always use 100% with PLA.

    Are we looking at the bottom  surface of the model?

    Is the lhs higher than the rhs, i.e. not sitting on the bed?


    Hi Yellowshark,

    many thanks for your input- I will try your suggestions and feedback.

    I have attached another photo to help better describe the form of the model. You will notice that much of the model is suspended by support material due to a feature sticking out the side. (Not ideal)

    I have not used adhesive- I am pretty new to this and the printer was second hand without any sign of adhesive etc.

    Is it worth using adhesive as a matter of good practice?

    Many thanks again



  2. Hi guys,

    I have an original Ultimaker with a heated bed and single extruder.

    I am having an issue with warping (see attached photo)

    Current settings are:



    Layer height: 0.1

    shell thickness 0.8

    Enable retraction [Y]


    Bottom/top thickness 0.6

    Fill density 20

    Speed/ Temp:

    Print speed 50

    Print temp 220° (PLA)

    Bed temp 75°


    support type Everywhere

    Platform adhesion type Brim


    Diameter 2.85

    Flow 100%


    Nozzle size 0.4

    Advanced settings


    Speed 40mm/s

    Distance 4.5mm


    Initial layer thickness 0.3

    Initial layer line width 100%

    cut off object 0

    Dual extrusion n/a


    Travel speed 150 mm/s

    Bottom layer speed 20 mm/s

    Infill speed 80 mm/s

    Top/bottom speed 15 mm/s

    Outer shell speed 30 mm/s

    Inner shell speed 60 mm/s


    Minimal layer time 5 secs

    Enable cooling fan [y]

    I have tried running the PLA at 230° with the same issue

    Any help would be much appreciated :-)

    Many thanks



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