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Posts posted by doulos0523

  1. By "Create a machine profile", they mean a .def.json file like the ones in your Cura/resources/definitions folder. You cannot create those from inside Cura, you have to use a text-editor.

    Official machine definitions can define many, *many* (many!) more parameters than what you can set with the Machine Settings screen. The "Custom FDM Printer" route is meant for end-users of printers for which there is no official machine definition.



    I will try it.

    Thank you very much.

  2. Hi All

    I would to include my 3rd party printer into the Cura software.


    Ulitmaker customer service say:

    To include your 3rd party printer into the Cura software, please follow these steps:

    Create a machine profile, which can be loaded instantly in Cura. An introduction on how to do this can be found here: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/20511-change-machine-settings

    Go to https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura and ‘fork’ the directory.

    In your personal fork directory, go to: Cura/resources/definitions.

    Drop the machine profile here.

    Create a pull request on the profile to the Cura master branch.

    Our developers will receive the pull notification, and the printer is added with one-click of a button!


    Now I had complete the machine setting in Cura, but I can't create a machine profile.

    Plz help me to create a machine profile .




  3. I have a question, plz help me.

    Q.How to exchange the daul extruder's setting by GCode?

    I would like to use the T0 to print support, and T1 to print product,there is no way to set the option in Cura15.04

    Both : Both support and product use T0

    First extruder: Both support and product use T0

    Sencond extruder: Use T0 in main product , T1 in Support.


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