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Posts posted by The_Rob

  1. This printer is running on the same power line as two more printers, only this one is getting the errors, even when they're running at the same time. They are placed in a laboratory, it is theoretically possible that there are power spikes or other fluctuations on the network, but afaik nothing else worth mentioning is connected to that subnet. (Some laptop chargers maybe)

    wouldn't all the printers get the same error, if it was an issue of the outer power line?


    Which part do you mean by brick, are you talking about the brick-like AC-adapter?

    I'll try swapping those.

  2. I am still repeatedly getting the same error, although I have been using only the original AA cores.

    It's only happening on one of my three printers, so I think I can rule out the possibility of errors on the outer electricity supply.

    Could one of you please check the logs again, because I really need to have this problem fixed.

    I've already wasted a lot of time and material on these failed prints, aside from the fact, that a printer not running is a printer not earning money.


    Best regards


  3. 1 hour ago, CarloK said:

    You are running firmware

    An update with lots of Cura Connect fixes is available: 4.3.2 of 20180308

    Very funny that the firmware is not the latest, I flashed the printers on 19th of march.

    I'll do it again anyways and see if it helps.

    Thanks a lot for the insight, your description quite matches my expectations.


    Would it make a difference if I use a smaller nozzle on the hardcore, like 0.8mm?

    Should I use the core AA 0.4mm settings, when using hardcore with large nozzle? I seemed to be getting better results, when using the core AA 0.8mm profile (and clicking "ignore wrong nozzle diameter" at start of print).

    I have a second hardcore which I could use for further testing.

  4. Hi, included is a .zip with the log files from yesterday and today. After my last message I tried another print, I loosened the screw of the printhead pcb a little, as I read somewhere that this seems to have solved some issues.

    Didn't help, print failed again, that's the second log.

    Possibly interesting information on hardware: The printhead pcb is an exchanged one, as the first one got damaged and one of the contacts broke off. The printcore I was using was a Hardcore with 1mm nozzle, printing on settings of Printcore AA 0.8mm (with adjusted line width), PLA.

    Second core was standard AA with breakaway filament. That stuff is brilliant.


    I think these temperature errors started to appear only after I installed the latest firmware for using breakaway, that was in december I think.

    Two weeks ago I installed the latest firmware again, to make sure there is no software error.


    If you can find anything interesting in the logfiles, I would be very interested in how to "read" them too.

    Logs (make it .zip).log

  5. I used the firmware on this link, the version is simply called "latest".


    On first sight I didn't see any information inside the file to easily check the version either.

    I installed it via USB on an UM3 extended and two UM3. Everything else is working fine.

    I didn't know it was in any way necessary, to check if an UM3 is compatible to the newest UM3 firmware.


    If you're talking about wether I really used the UM3 firmware and not e.g. for UM2, I just checked, that the file on the link seems to be the same like the one I used. (checked by filesize)

  6. Hey,


    I think I found something not right in the latest firmware for UM3 and UM3E, when I'm doing the XY calibration print, after the first part is done, PC1 is kept at 175 degrees.

    When the second part is done as well, the screen shows "Cooling printcores", which can be aborted. There the PC1 is still kept at 175, whilst PC2 is being cooled down to something less than 100° or whatever.

    I don't know if this is supposed to be that way, thought I should tell you.

  7. Okay, I will try to answer all the questions.

    The metal compound filament is stuck in the hardcore.

    I repeated this print on two different UM3 which each had an individual hardcore. Both hardcores were bought together from the same reseller. I need to find out first, which one it was.


    I can't say if it's stuck in the PTFE area or in the heatsink, because I never took the hardcore apart before and don't know where exactly each part is. But it is not stuck in the nozzle.

    After removing the filament (picture) I can feed fresh filament easily.

    The filament does not print anymore and needs to be pulled out with some force, similar to a cold pull, although heated.

    As it is possible to remove the filament manually, there is no issue removing the printcore.

    It can be, that it is also stuck for forwarding, because the printer attempted a 16mm retract before  extruder change, which made it stuck.


    I am not sure if I had any troubles removing the filament after a succesful print, but as far as I remember not (that much).



  8. Hi folks,


    I am doing some prints with metal compound filaments and as it is very tricky, I want to share (and archive) my results here.

    I am using UM3 with Hardcore SS0.5mm nozzle on ex1 and standard AA on ex2.

    The filament I am using is Conrad Renkforce PLA compound bronze and the new Ultimaker breakaway for support.

    (Breakaway is fantastic btw, it prints flawless and removing it really is a matter of seconds.)

    For the compound filament I had been using the generic PLA settings, just changing the printing speed to 30~40mm/s. There has been some oozing, but the results were okay.


    Now the trouble started with dual extrusion. With a success rate of 100% the compound filament is stuck in the heatsink after printing the support.

    The nozzle is always clean, after removing the stuck filament and cutting off 5mm, I can extrude easily again. Filament looked the same, as if front fan doesn't work properly (That is not the error here).


    What I tried just now, was to set the standby temperature to 50°, but that had not been sufficient yet, it still got clogged. I noticed that the printer starts heating the nozzle rather early, it was heated to 180° and kept that way for about 20s, before it started to try printing on the prime tower.

    I will try to check if there is any setting to start the reheating as late as possible, in the hope that it will not get stuck anymore.

    I will post the results here, or maybe any of you has some tips.



  9. Hi,

    I'm new in this community, but I already read a lot of topics finding them via google.

    So far it has been very helpful, but now there's something that I didn't find a result for.

    We've got an UM3 and so far the printing results have been flawless, really perfect.

    Recently though, the printer just stops at some point during long prints. (24h+)

    Now I managed to reproduce one of these failures, as far as I can see the print stopped twice at exactly the same layer and the screen went haywire.

    (are pictures with img tags against the house rules?)

    I am quite sure that it's not a mechanical problem, because it will print just fine after a restart.

    Is there any issue like this known?

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