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  1. Part PTFE coupler is new whole block new. Can this be due to the tube I have it 6mm and inside 4mm ? It turns out when the plastic passes through the tube and gets into the ptfe coupler all ok, but when the retract plastic from the sleeve goes out and back it may not get in as there is a gap of a couple of millimeters. Similarly, when loading, if the plastic in the hub is all ok, if not then trouble. ((
  2. Foto http://roboforum.ru/download/file.php?id=45011&mode=view
  3. In Russian I'll try to make a picture with a problem. The problem of plastic jam before the fluoroplastic bushing А по какой причине пластик через трубку боудена может плохо попадать в фторопластовую втулку, как то странно то попадает хорошо то начинает клинить, именно в месте где пластик входит в втулку. Диаметр трубки 4мм, подача по трубке работает хорошо, сопло не забито, втулка новая. Может заклинить сразу может через разное время. :(
  4. And for some reason, the plastic through the tube of the bowden can badly get into the fluoroplastic sleeve, as it strangely then gets well then it starts to clinch, exactly in the place where the plastic enters the bushing. The diameter of the tube is 4mm, the feed through the tube works well, the nozzle is not clogged, the sleeve is new. Can jam immediately can at different times. :(
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