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Everything posted by JeremyAdair87

  1. First, the Gcode test that came with the printer(prusa mendel ripoff) works great. But if I take the stl and recreate that code with cura the printer gets about 5 layers in and randomly homes on x then Y. it does this a few time then freezes, I hear the extruder filament stepper spinning and the filament is completely out of the hole, for the hot end tube/guide. this is where my print fails. it takes off again and trys to print but it spit out the filament! and this hotend is not easy to get filament into. I have a 2012 version of cura 14.x.x and it's gcode works. This came with this Chinese printer. The problem is it only works on windows 7. at home I have windows 10 and I really need to stop using my work pc for 3d printing. Anywho..... I also cant get cura to see my board. I am forced to use an SD card. The card is a rip of an Arduino mega with ramps 1.2 or 1.4 I forget. Right now I am downloading a VM of windows 7.... but I really want to use the newest versions of cura and not bandaid it. At this point I am considering trying a different software as well... but heck I want to make it work and not just give up. Many thanks for the helpful advice you guys give. I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend!
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