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Posts posted by SaganRedux

  1. I think I am having the same problem.  Does it seem like your extruder is melting the plastic too much to where it's stringing real bad on the first layer?  Are you also getting stringing really bad in the middle of your print too?  I just got an UM3 so I have only used Cura 2.5

    Well at least you have a good first layer!

    I have a UM3e that I've had since Jan so I have used both 2.4 and 2.5 Cura software.  I don't think it's too hot, especially since it's pretty far down on the low end of the temperature specs of the PLA.  It's almost as if the nozzle is dragging on the bed, but I'm not sure what would cause it to spontaneously start doing that and I've done active leveling a few times.  

    What I think I'm going to do today:

    - downgrade to 2.4 and see if that works

    - manually level and see if that works

    - switch to the extra hot end that came with my printer and see if that works

    - curse and stomp my feet

    - call customer support

  2. Bed temp = 60 and 65

    Layer height = 0.1mm

    Wall thickness = 2mm

    Infill = 0%

    Extruder temp = 200C (filament range is 195C-240C)

    Using Ultimaker transparent PLA, I tried a calibration type shape because I was having issues putting down the first layer. I have been through probably 4 kg of PLA filament with no issues. It appears as if there is either a temp problem or it doesn't know where it is on the z-axis, but I have used this filament sucessfully at this temp and I've run active leveling with no good or bad change in the result. See pics below.

    All of the filament diameter and extrusion settings are unchanged from my last successful print with the same filament.

    Interesting complicating factor: I just upgraded recently from Cura 2.4 to Cura 2.5.0. Could that have messed something up? The problems started around that time but I am not sure if it was directly after upgrading the software. Should I downgrade and see if I have the same problems?








  3. Every print has had some problem. This happens to me when the bed is oily from a fingerprint or other contaminate. My Ultimaker can't print two times in a row on the same spot, the filament leaves a residue that keeps the next print from sticking. I have to take out the build plate between every print and wash it with dish soap. Then reinsert it and run the bed leveling procedure.


    Wow that's surprising. I've been able to print half a dozen times on the same spot. I use hair spray so all I have to do is go over it a few times with a razor and respray when I print something else.

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