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Posts posted by f24t89q2p3or8uaw

  1. I'm using Cura 2.5 with a Monoprice printer. Overall, it's a very good system, much better than expected and amazing for the price. However, I have a very consistent problem. There is always a 2-3 second delay on the extruder at the start of every print. When I print a raft, it prints the outline first, then the infill, and the first few inches of the outline are always missing. Then the infill next to the gap starts to curl up. Sometimes it only curls up for a few mm, sometimes for several cm, and a few times the entire print has broken loose. Is there a way in Cura to specify a lead-in for the raft, or start the extruder 2-3 seconds early, or specify two boundary lines for the first layer of the raft?


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