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Posts posted by Pixopaxo

  1. What the hell did you do to Cura... I changed from v3 to 4.5 and nothing works any more, profiles are gone, I cannot get any material working, NOT SUPPORTED everywhere. It is a real mess. 

    I stick with 3.x, it also messes up my materials and does not save own profiles correctly, but at least it works. 

    • Like 1
  2. I printed this rocket nosecone with ABS, on the MT-Plus board. 2 Parts.

    It fits hardly into a UM2 Extended, and has no cracks at all.


    But..you need to encase your UM, without a constant 40-50°C you will not be able to print such large ABS parts.




  3. It is due to these updates in Windows 7 and Server 2012, after I uninstalled KB4034664 it was gone.

    Many programs have this problem. Microsoft refuses to fix this to force us into windows 10. Its very annoying, as many people do not know how to fix it.

    - You need to open control panel, Programs, and find the update KB4034664.

    - Then remove it.

    - Windows will reinstall it, so you need to first change your "Windows Update" that it does not install updates automatically (a thing you cannot do in w10..).

    - Restart windows.

    - A new search for updates finds KB4034664 again, you need to mark it to IGNORE so update ignores it next time.

    - Then you can reset "Windows Update" to install important updates by default.

    After this, your Cura will work normally on a left second screen.

  4. This is maybe due to a windows update which came out recently, it screws up things when a second monitor is left of the first monitor. Very annoying, I had that too with Office and many other programs. M$ does not solve it so you need to deinstall Update KB4034664 or KB4034679

    See also https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/2c0ea396-bec2-4d8e-972f-13f19fc35f9f/multiple-monitors-office-not-refreshing-after-update-installed?forum=winserverTS

    You have w10? Sad... You cannot remove Updates.

  5. For those who want to reliably print ABS, there is a way:

    Build yourself a housing for für UM2, then you have constant 50°C Temperature inside.

    With 250° Nozzle and 100° Buildplate temp, and the famous MTPlus-Buildplate material you can print it very easy. No warping at all. And the results are very sturdy and heat resistant, I print model rockets and the ABS has contact to the hot rocket motor without problems.

    The housing can be made several ways, you find many of them in Youmagine, I made one here: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/perfect-fitting-ultimaker-2-cover

    The MTPlus-Board is something special, tested many things, but that is the only one which really works. It sticks extremely, but after colling down the object snaps loose from itself.

    • Like 1
  6. Hello,

    I printed several small model rocket ufos and encountered a problem I never had before: The surface of the models has lots of long holes. Under the microscope I can see that filament is just missing there:



    I sliced with Cura latest version.

    Material is Innofil ABS with 250°, which printed flawless before.

    Any idea what that is?

    Could that be moisture? I left the material 3 weeks open in a normal dry room, aprox 50% rel. Hum. there.




  7. I gave it a new try, but could never open any project without having a new printer afterwards. I creates a new project, copied and renamed it in windows explorer, so it is 100% identical to all other settings. No help, new printer was there afterwards.

    Also it does not matter if I choose "Update existing" or "Create new" for the material.

    BTW, I do not understand why one should want to have the machine settings for a material changed when I open a project, and why a new material should be created. I often use special settings for a certain project, these are for that project only. I do not want Cura to copy these settings to my default material settings.

    Also, if it always creates a new material when I open a project, I end up in having 100s materials in my library. Why isn't it possible to just work with the project settings and leave everything as it is?

    This way it is like you have your MS Word settings changed every time you open a .doc file.

  8. Here is the folder in appdata:


    And the Materials it constantly copies:


    Oh, and I found the Log, its 51MB large :-o

    I created a new one, startes Cura up and loaded a project file.

    Here you go, seems to me a problem with the serialisation of settings with VisualStudio, common problem, which I also have on some other projects.



    DEBUG - UM.Settings.ContainerStack.getVersionFromSerialized [313]: Could not get version from serialized: 'machine'

    You can download it from




  9. I did, its still the same.

    I deleted all printers with "#", and reopened a project file.

    It asks if it should update the material or create a new one.

    I chose "update" (which is bad..) and then it creates a new printer again.

    Really annoying.

    Also, it should open the project with the settings as in the project and leave my material settings for the printer alone. Sometimes I tweak settings for a specific project, I do not want these to enter as default settings in my materials.

    Now it creates a new printer and changed the material settings to those in the project. so opening an old project messes up the material settings.

    If I chose to create a new material I get a copy of that in my printer setting. So then the material is there twice.

    I guess there is a serious glitch in the settings management. I know that from some other projects done with Visual Studio, that can mess up things quite a lot.

  10. Ich habe meinen UM2 Extended + auch "eingehaust", oben eine selbst gefräste Haube, vorn eine Tür aus Polycarbonat. Der Bauplan liegt unter https://www.youmagine.com/designs/perfect-fitting-ultimaker-2-cover

    Ich habe die Temperaturen da bei 90° Bettheizung mal gemessen, sie liegt konstant bei 48-52°C, also genau da wo ich sie haben möchte. Nur ganz oben am Dach sind es 60°, klar, da sammelt sich die warme Luft.

    Das ist also auch geschlossen unproblematisch für die Mechanik, die kann das locker ab.

    Mein erster Print mit ABS gelang out-of-the box, kein Warping, perfekte Oberfläche, Rillen nur noch mit Fingernagel spürbar. Perfekt würde ich sagen, bin sehr begeistert. Dabei fahre ich die Lüfter mit 50%, die Frage ist ob das bei 50° noch etwas ausmacht.

    Auf jeden Fall kann man das komplett einhausen, muss keine großen Luftöffnungen lassen, so steht die Luft mit 50°. Und man riecht: Nichts. Leiser ist es auch, insgesamt sehr lohnenswert. Gesamte Materialkosten lagen bei 60 Euro.

    Oh, und ich habe auch so eine supergeheime Druckplatte, haftet schon fast zu gut, nach Abkühlen schnappt es so runter.

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