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Posts posted by max2x



    I spent 3 months getting a Delta Kossel Mini running. My first ever printer. I am running the latest Delta Marlins. Had the most trouble with Repetier Host/Slicer. I was to9ld to try Cura, And I got mostly successful prints! Thanks

    As a newbee, I really don't understand the settings. I have a 1.75mm J-head, running PLA @ 200c I think .4mm nozzle.

    Can someone inform me on conservative best settings to use in Cura?

    Also when printing single wall vases, I read about Cura's Joris printing. Where can I find that option? I'd like to try printing some small vases as tests.

    Thank you



    Dear new-bee + expert,

    I have an Ultimaker original and want to build a Kossel Mini. I want to use Cura on the Kossel. I do not know if I need to use a particular board in the Kossel to do this.

    Which electronic board have you used?




    Normally, Kossel Minis are run on Arduino MEGA 2560 + RAMPS 1.4 Shield. You can ALWAYS use Cura as a slicer but if you intend to run the printer headless(directly connected to your computer, relaying gcode via usb), you can use Cura.

    However, I recommend that you just slice using Cura and relay via PRONTERFACE since Cura really doesn't like to recognise the printer.


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