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Posts posted by focussoft

  1. i been having problems with cura 2.7.0

    everything works perfect ,except my printer randomly puts a prime blob on my print after switching extruders

    i tracked down the problem in the . gcode file generated by cura

    It inserts G1 F1200 E11 after switching extruders

    it only seems to do it when the prime tower is activated

    right now i use the "post processing plugin" to "search and replace" G1 F1200 E11 with ;G1 F1200 E11

    and that works , it still goes to the print coordinates , but does not put down a prime blob

    anyone know how to make cura stop inserting that G1 F1200 E11 code ?

    The prime blob option in cura is "hidden by the current machine"????? i dont know why because its the machine profile is set up having 2 extruders and the rest of the build platform adhesion options are not hidden, neither are the dual extrusion options

    T0 <------------ start code extruder T0

    G92 E0

    G90; Absolute Coordinates

    G92 E0; Zero Extruder

    G1 Z10 F9000

    G1 X-20 Y40 Z0 F4800; Move X Y for tool change

    G1 E120 F4000; Fast insert 120mm

    G92 E0; Zero Extruder

    G90; Absolute Coordinates <---------- end start code extruder T0

    M109 S200 <---------- start generated code by cura

    M104 T1 S0

    G0 F5400 X98.147 Y97.862 Z0.4 <----------print coordinates

    G1 F1200 E11 <<<<<<<<--- code extruding 11mm !!!! Blob !!

    G0 F5400 X98.147 Y107.862 <--------- continue print ??

    G0 X35.666 Y168.868 <--------- prime tower at x40 y170

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