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Posts posted by nathanswood

  1. HELP!!!  I am Running Windows 10 on an Intel Core i7-4790 @ 3.60GHz.  16 GB Ram, with NVIDIA Quadro K2200.  I have used Cura for the last several years and the last several updates have gotten progressively slower in actual functionality.  It can take half an hour to set up a simple print, where I used to be able to do it in a minute or two.  Cura spends a lot of time "Not Responding", thinking or ignoring requests.  Resizing and reorienting is a nightmare.  Changing any settings is next to impossible.  Cura is super fast on my MacBook Air, that actually has less Ram and a lower quality Graphics Card.  I have Deleted all old AppData, and tried reinstalling multiple times.   There have been no updates or changes to my machine that I know of  I can't recall the last time that Cura ran in a way that didn't waste my time, and this is a huge shame, because I absolutely hate using Simplify 3D.  Please Help Me.

  2. Hi.  I work for a school district and I led our purchase of 12 Ultimaker 3 Extendeds.  We love them and we love Cura even more.  3.04 is much more stable than the last few versions, but we have a rather large problem.  We also have a Builder Extreme 2000.  It is supposedly compatible with Cura 15.04 and Simplify 3D.  We have Simplify 3D, but I am very unhappy with the software.  The Cura 15.04 is a bit of a pain to use, and we haven't been able to get it to work together.  How do we get The Builder Extreme 2000 to work with newer Cura Versions?

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