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  1. Thank you. Just wanted to say that this worked out!
  2. Gonna give that a shot. Thnx for replying!
  3. Hi @gr5. It's not the actual bed size that is the problem. It's just that I center the model on the middle of the bed in Cura, but when it prints its like 2 -3 cm more to the right. So the center of the bed in Cura, is not the center of the bed on my printer. I have no idea how to adjust this.
  4. Hello Everybody, Is there anyway I can align my printer bed in Cura? I use an Anet A8 printer and for this I use the profile of the Prusa i3 Mk2 in Cura. Which works fine except when I align my model in the middel in cura, it ends up printing the model off center on the actual printer bed. It's a good 2cm more to the right. I tried searching the internet, but I'm probably using the wrong terms or something. Is there anyone that can help me solve this problem?
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