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  1. Just thought I'd post a quick update to let everyone know that my issue seems to have been resolved. Thanks to a couple of suggestions on Reddit, it appears that my SD card was actually the culprit. It's strange that it only affected Cura and not other slicer programs, but I'm just happy that everything is working again!
  2. And now it's happening again. I hate to say it because I prefer Cura's UI and simplicity, but I might have to switch to a different program if I can't figure out what the heck is going on here.
  3. I don't know why, but everything is working normally again even though I haven't done anything differently. I suppose I don't need help anymore, but it would be nice to know what was going on just in case it ever happens again. I'm glad it's working for now, though.
  4. This issue just started two nights ago. Up until then, I wasn't having any problems. But now, when I save a GCode from an STL, it won't print. My printer (Monoprice Select Mini V2) will just sit there, warm up a little bit (not as much as it should), and not do anything while the progress bar fills up. After a couple of minutes, it will "complete" even though nothing actually happened. I have been using Cura 15.04.2, so I tried installing the latest version but I get the same results. I thought maybe it was a problem with my printer or SD card, but files created with Slic3r work just fine. I also have no problem printing files that were created with Cura prior to the issue. In fact, I'm printing one right now. But for some reason, if I create a new GCode, it won't work. The source of the STL doesn't matter; it happens with models I create myself as well as ones I download from Thingiverse. Another odd thing I've noticed is that if I load one of these GCodes in Cura, it will be completely blank (or will only display the first 42 layers), but it shows up just fine at http://gcode.ws. GCodes made with Slic3r display in Cura without any issues. Based on everything I've experienced so far, the problem seems to be specifically with Cura. I haven't made any changes to my settings recently, so I don't know what's going on. Any ideas? If it helps, I have attached an example STL (a base from Thingiverse that I have modified) along with a GCode created with Cura and one created with Slic3r. base.stl base-cura.gcode base-slic3r.gcode
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