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Posts posted by MASMods

  1. Thanks for the part reference, will keep that in mind if needed. :-)


    Ok, I did find that the rear right Y motor short belt was loose. Was able to unscrew 3 screws, move it down till tight then rescrew. Which has seem to help alot. I don't know if it came from the factory that way from shipping, or if it was me. When I first put on the glass bed (which is AWESOME for part removal buy the way), I was clamping it down with some larger clamps and the third print I did the head ran into the clamps and caused the head to jitter alot, dddddddd. Every since then I've been struggling to get a good print consistently. And I've changed so many settings my head is spinning. So hopefully the hardware is ok now and can concentrate on software now.


    That said, I'm still having some issues with inner walls around holes. One question is there any way to slow the print head down on interior walls only? or is there something else that is causing thin walls around interior holes?


    In the pic you can see that one upper left hole, am still having problems with the walls around it more than the others. I've seen this with other prints and don't understand how one can be ok and another not, when they are exactly the same in the model.


    Anyways, thanks alot for your help, the belt tightening comment confirmed a suspicion I had and made me go and fix it. :-)


    Pics show where I'm at right now on first layer printing.





    (on a side note, if anyone is looking for a good easy modeling program, TinkerCAD is really FUN. :-) I was using LightWave3D and my workflow with ligthwave was not cutting it. Tried out TinkerCAD and man is that program fun, one thing nice is being able to change measurements whenever you want. :-)





  2. Thanks for the quick response and suggestions!


    I've tried leveling quiet a few times, but will try harder I guess. :-)


    Will look into the belt tightening. I have a Monoprice Maker Ultimate. So will have to try and figure out how to tighten the belts somehow. Also have installed a piece of glass onto the bed. No other modifications so far.


    Thanks alot for your help. Will see what I can do. Just wanted another opinion before I go crazy. LOL


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