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Posts posted by ArthurG

  1. So what your saying is print the positive space of the model out of PVA and the negative space and box outside out of PLA to make a mold, then dissolve the PVA? I'm having a hard time visualizing what you are saying but this is what it sounds like. Wouldn't that make any PLA surrounded by PVA be left without support when the PVA dissolves?

  2. On 6/14/2018 at 9:59 AM, ArthurG said:

    Will any Ultimaker products print with Ninjaflex? I've heard that the Ultimaker 3 has problems when you try to use flexible filaments. Can the s5 or 2 print with flexible materials? If so which would be best?

    I know ultimaker brand materials have a sensor chip or something that recognizes the material when you put in the spool. If you use nonultimaker brand filament to print will there be any downsides other than having to manually input the material?

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