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Everything posted by BeEazy

  1. This particular thorn was worse than the others, so I will try changing the z seam. The other thorns all had blobs, is this due to overheating? Thanks
  2. I tried lowering the temperature to 185C, and still had stringing, but it was less than previously. I am looking at "Retraction Extra Prime Amount" on Cura, and notice that by default it is set to 0 mm^3. Should I leave this unchanged, or do you have a recommended volume?
  3. Hello, I am using an Ultimaker 2 Extended + printer with 2.85mm PLA on Cura. I tried printing out this Smiling Cactus, but had some issues at the arms and thorns: Is this called overextrusion? Which settings can I change to reduce this?
  4. Hello, I am new to 3D printing and am currently optimizing my Ultimaker 2 Extended+ using Cura. (2.85mm PLA) I am in the process of changing retraction settings, but am having trouble. I am currently printing pillars, but keep running into the same issue. As the pillars get taller, they get thinner at the top, and my printer ends up printing the tops too fast, causing stringing. I'm not exactly sure which setting I can change to make the tops print slower. Any advice?
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