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Posts posted by Garrett_Iverson

  1. That is a good point, it didn't do this when I was printing Ultimaker material and using their pre-assigned printing parameters. It was only after I started using non-Ultimaker material and creating my own printing profiles that this started happening. I still am not convinced that it is a setting that I actually changed because the printing profile I created was made by copying one of the pre-made profiles in Cura and then changing some basic parameters such as printing temps, infill %, etc... 


    I have included screen grabs of my speed parameters in Cura. Do you guys see anything in the pictures that would speed up the bed fall? 

    If not, I am left to believe it is a bug that happens when you tweak printing parameters. 


    On a different note, is there any gcode Guru's that can assist me in editing my gcode until I can find the root of the problem?

    I'm sure there is a way to add gcode at the end of the print to tell it to lower the bed at a certain speed to a certain height but I do not know what that would look like. If I could do that, at least I could shorten the distance that it does free-fall.





  2. Thanks for the reply. That does put my mind at ease knowing it is not damaging the printer.

    However, this printer is in an office environment and is located right on the other side of a couple of our employees cubicle wall. They have complained about this noise and I can't say I blame them as it is quite loud and abrupt. Is there a way to add a script to the end of the print that has a Z movement downward (at a slower rate) to near the bottom and then let it free fall from there? 

  3. I bought the S5 for the company I work for about 6 months ago and haven't had this issue until recently. After every print, the bed drops rapidly as if in a free fall. It is pretty loud when it happens and I am worried this is causing damage to the printer. It is only after the print is finished that it does this. If I run out of material mid-print, the print bed will gently lower (like how its supposed to and how it used to lower after a finished print) and wait for you to reload material. I keep up on the lubrication of the machine so i don't think its an issue with that. I haven't been able to find any settings in Cura that would fix this. I also haven't seen anyone else post about this issue. Has anyone else experienced this?


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