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Posts posted by jesito

  1. In version 5.3.1 (Linux 64) when selecting "Help/Show configuration folder" Cura does nothing.

    Running cura from a terminal, shows this error when selecting that menu item:

    exo-open: symbol lookup error: exo-open: undefined symbol: g_uri_is_valid
    exo-open: symbol lookup error: exo-open: undefined symbol: g_uri_is_valid

    I would like to know where is the configuration folder to be able to move the configuration to a new machine.


    There are also other errors/warnings on the console output, but they don't seem to affect the usage of Cura.

    Thanks in advance!,





  2. On 12/28/2020 at 4:39 AM, scio said:

    Thanks for adding this, I got Cura up and on Xubuntu but it hangs at "Opening Serial port" on the Pronterface UI.  Was there anything else you needed to do? 

    Sorry to be so late.

    I first installed printrun and Arduino 1.8.13 and then Cura and everything went fine.

  3. On 11/11/2020 at 2:49 AM, ghostkeeper said:

    The 15.04.06 Debian archive specifies that it requires the following packages:

    • python-wxgtk2.8 or python-wxgtk3.0
    • python-opengl
    • python-serial
    • python-numpy

    I don't know in how far those are still maintained for modern Ubuntu or Mint versions. You'll probably still be able to find them online somewhere but maybe not in apt. These are for Python 2, mind you, which has reached end-of-life.

    Thanks a lot. I've been trying several different older distros and I've found out that Xubuntu 18.04 LTS installs okay the above mentioned .deb file and covers all dependencies.


  4. On 7/24/2020 at 1:46 PM, ghostkeeper said:

    Thanks for sharing, Ghostkeeper!.

    BTW, Does anybody know which Debian/Ubuntu version should be used with the above 15.04.6?

    I tried to install it under Mint 20 Ulyana and the installer tells it cannot fulfill the dependencies...

    Also with Ubuntu Focal Fossa and Tahr. After years using it on Windows and having tried most of the current advanced slicers, 15.04.6 still gives me the best printing times, and I don't need all those bells and whistles for what I'm doing.

    Thanks in advance.


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