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Posts posted by Kai_Re

  1. Thanks for the answers. Indeed printrun looks like a matching solution, but unfortunately the link http://koti.kapsi.fi/~kliment/printrun/ is not active anymore (already found some information on Github or http://www.pronterface.com/ as well, but also there the same URL is used... ? ).


    Octoprint or Atlasprint are no option as well, as we need a Windows based solution. We also had a look at repetier.com, but didn't find a command line option as well...


    A bit more background information to explain what we are doing. Our main functionality is transferring and storing files anonymously. As part of a demo, we are transferring a .gcode file over several instances, which should be printed at the end (using a Win10 device). Therefore the print should start as soon as the .gcode file is stored in a pre-defined directory.


  2. Hi,

    as part of a showcase installation we need a simple way how to start the printout of an existing .gcode file (previously created using the Cura application) on a UM2Go printer (connected via USB cable) via a batch script or program.

    As the print should start in the background (as soon as the .gcode-file is transferred to and stored in a defined directory), we can’t use the normal Cura application.

    Does anyone know of a Windows(10) executable, script or other options to start printing a .gcode-file in the way described?

    Thanks in advance,


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