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Everything posted by mersault

  1. Yooo guys, been a while but I'm close to finishing a little python program to calculate settings to send to CuraEngine. Just a little bit more help is needed. What are the "extruderValue", "extruderValues" and "resolve" function doing exactly? I have an idea looking at the source code in Cura but would like to know for sure. Thanks.
  2. I suspected that's how it worked but it's really nice to get confirmation. When exactly does "value" get evaluated? Meaning when would the frontend calculate the value instead of taking the default value? Is it when a setting's value is changed from the default and that affects another setting's value?
  3. Thanks, that really clears things up. Just one more thing though just to be sure I'm doing this right. Since the engine ignores the "value" attribute in fdmprinter.def.json its up to me then to calculate these values in my program so I can set them correctly?
  4. Alright, that makes sense. Is there a way to see if certain settings need to be set per extruder? Or is it one of those things I'm supposed to reason out, like settings that are obviously for an extruder and settings that are not just by their description.
  5. Thanks for the response. My printer is only ever using one extruder for the print. From looking at the "-s" settings in cura.log I can only surmise that it first sets all the settings globally and then after the "-g -e0" starts setting "-s" settings for the actual print. Is this for calibration? Like the printer settings are first set globally and then when it's time to print with the extruder the "-s" settings passed to the extruder overrides the global settings set.
  6. Hello, I'm trying to get CuraEngine to slice my stl files the same way it slice stl files through Cura. I know this is not easy since using CuraEngine through the command line is mainly used for testing (so I've been told). I started by looking at all the "-s settings" generated in cura.log for a slice and noticed that some settings are passed with "-s" twice. Why is that? Are these all the settings I pass to CuraEngine through the command line to get the same slice as the one produced by Cura? And also, what does "-g" and "-e" do exactly? I'm not that familiar with 3D printing so an explanation would be appreciated. "-g Switch setting focus to the current mesh group only. Used for one-at-a-time printing. -e<extruder_nr> Switch setting focus to the extruder train with the given number." These are the descriptions in CuraEngine help.
  7. https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/issues/450#issuecomment-417569746 Found my answer a while ago. And I think passing settings through the command line is supported, just very minimally. Meaning all "children" settings have to be calculated by "parent" setting yourself. CuraEngine will not handle that for you. From what I understand, if you use CuraEngine through the command line it will just inherit every value it can from the definition file you provide it (from resource/defintions in Cura) and will override any "leaf/children" settings you provide with -s. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. Mk, thanks. It says explicitly that its for cura 3.4.1 and using the definition from that fixed the unregistered setting warning forme. But I'm still getting the "Trying to override unknown setting..." warnings.
  9. Yeah, it inherits from fdmprinter.def.json, which loads. One question though, which might solve my problem. What version of CuraEngine does the Cura use? I was using the master but I just pulled that latest release of CuraEngine(2.7.0) an I'm getting the same issue. What version of Cura are the definition files compatible with that latest release of CuraEngine (2.7.0 )? Or should that not matter?
  10. Yeah, my bad. I forgot the tilde.
  11. ./cura/CuraEngine slice -v -p -j ~/definitions/robo_3d_r1.def.json -s layer_height= ... -s wall_thickness= ... -s infill_sparse_density= ... -s support= -s machine_center_is_zero= -s adhesion_type= -s material_print_temperature= -s material_bed_temperature= -s top_thickness= -s speed_support_bottom= -s speed_print= -s speed_travel= -s retraction_amount= -s cool_fan_speed_min= -s cool_fan_speed_max= -s cool_fan_full_at_height= -s cool_min_layer_time= -s cool_fan_enabled= -s material_diameter= -s machine_nozzle_size= -s brim_line_count= -o '.... ' -l '...'; Of course I'm passing in values and specifying a output and stl to load. Am I doing everything in the right order?
  12. Thanks for the quick reply. I do have the verbosity parameter set, '-v' and it seems to be loading the definition files just fine. I don't see any messages about any definitions failing to load. Loading /home/bryant/Documents/work/mmqualityfinal/public/cura/definitions/robo_3d_r1.def.json… Loading /home/bryant/Documents/work/mmqualityfinal/public/cura/definitions/fdmprinter.def.json… Warnings here Loading /home/bryant/Documents/work/mmqualityfinal/public/cura/definitions/robo_3d_r1_extruder_0.def.json… Loading /home/bryant/Documents/work/mmqualityfinal/public/cura/definitions/fdmextruder.def.json… They all seem to be loading fine. But the warnings I listed above are sandwiched between the Loading messages. Is that an issue? like the extruder definitions need to be loaded first as well. Do I need to use the "-e" parameter to switch the setting focus to the extruder?
  13. Hello, I'm just trying to use CuraEngine from terminal and I seem to running into some trouble. I've dumped all the definition and extruder jsons into a single folder just to eliminate dependencies as an issue. In particular these are the warning messages I get. [WARNING] Trying to override unknown setting retraction_speed. [WARNING] Trying to override unknown setting speed_layer_0. [WARNING] Trying to override unknown setting line_width. [WARNING] Trying to override unknown setting cool_fan_full_at_height. [WARNING] Trying to override unknown setting bottom_thickness. [WARNING] Trying to override unknown setting top_thickness. [WARNING] Trying to override unknown setting infill_sparse_density. [WARNING] Trying to override unknown setting wall_thickness. [WARNING] Trying to override unknown setting speed_print. [WARNING] Trying to override unknown setting support_z_distance. [WARNING] Setting an unregistered setting material_diameter to 1.75 Why are the settings unknown and how is "material_diameter" unregistered? Looking into the fdmextruder.def.json, "material_diameter" is the setting to override to set the material diameter. Sorry if this question is trivial but I can't seem to find documentation for using CuraEngine from the terminal.
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