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Posts posted by brownd3

  1. I created a simple script for the "Post Processing" plugin called "OuterWallFan". I wanted to share this script and my experiences using it.


    I print end-use parts that must be as strong as possible, but also look nice with no visual defects. I discovered that I can create strong prints by not using the cooling fan, but this usually resulted in ugly parts. On the other hand, I can use the cooling fan to make the parts look great, but they were brittle and weak. (You are probably already aware of this 🙂.)


    I created the “OuterWallFan” script to balance part strength and aesthetics. I use the script to turn the cooling fan on for outer walls, and then back off for any other line type (inner wall, infill, top/bottom, first layer, etc).


    I’ve had great luck producing strong and nice-looking prints with this script. I’ve tried it with PLA, ABS, and PC/PBT. I can't set the fan at 100% with ABS or I get warping, but it seems to work great at 35% to 40% fan speed.


    To use the script, unzip it and copy it to the following location:
    C:\Program Files\Ultimaker Cura [X.X]\plugins\PostProcessingPlugin\scripts


    Then, restart Cura and select Extensions -> Post Processing -> Modify G-code. Next, select “OuterWallFan” from the "Add a Script" drop down.


    Do you do something similar? Maybe others will find this as useful I have. Let me know if there are questions or problems with the script.



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  2. Hello, I use Cura to print end-use parts. Once I get a particular part's Cura settings tuned to perfection 😉, I save the project file so I can just open it each time I need to produce more of that part.


    Right now, I use a text file with the same name as the project file I save to store notes, keep a revision history, and anything else I need to remember for that project file.


    I was thinking it would be nice to have a plain text field where I could enter multi-line notes from within the Cura GUI, and the notes would get saved along with the project file.


    Just a thought. Thanks, Everyone.

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  3. Hello,


    With Cura 3.5.1, I have an issue where Cura is generating support on the build plate beneath areas where support is located in the model. The same support settings in 3.4.1 do not do this. (I open the same Cura project file in both versions.) See images below showing this.


    Is there a new setting that I've turned on or off causing this? I've changed several settings and nothing seems to stop this. Thanks for the help.

    Support Issue.png

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