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Posts posted by print_addict

  1. I found a stp file of a gyroid on grabcad and I was able to do a boolean operation on that model.

    Here is the result of an 11 hour print , with no supports so I have some repair work to do. It was printed in ABS so I will be using ABS slurry to repair it.















    7 minutes ago, kmanstudios said:

    As I said, I just started to use transparent skins or PVA, mostly transparent, to get a clean gyroid infill (Let the pattern show through). 


    Do you have any photos of such prints to show


    3 minutes ago, kmanstudios said:

    I mean, seriously, not many weirdos (no offense to the OP) like me that wanna do this stuff.


    Non taken 🙂


  3. 23 minutes ago, smartavionics said:


    How about this... take an existing gyroid stl (there's a bunch on thingiverse) and using a 3d modelling app intersect the hemisphere shape so you end up with a hemisphere gyroid model which can then be printed as normal walls/infill?

    I'm using onshape and it's not possible to do a boolean operation on a mesh(stl) in onshape. I believe meshmixer can do this ? but I use linux and it doesn't run there. Is there any other way ?

  4. 1 minute ago, kmanstudios said:

    At the risk of sounding sarcastic (which I am really being serious), I just went with the Larger bore nozzles (0.6, 0.8. etc.) to get thicker infills.


    However, I have not gotten a good print without some sort of shell (PVA or otherwise), even with the combing off. But I am getting nice patterns in see through objects that I like.

    I don't have this option as the printer is in a makerspce. We don't have a multinozzle machine either unfortunately.


    I think I'll have to find another way to generate the object.

  5. I am trying to use the gyroid infill as my model by setting walls to zero etc. I have also changed the infill line width.

    I have attached a few pics one of what the print looks like in cura in layer mode, the failed print and the original model. I have tried printing this a couple of times and it has failed in the same way. I don't know if it's difficult to print or just an extrusion problem. The problems I have are that the change in infill line width isn't being followed, I set the part I want to be just Gyroid infill to 2.45mm infill line width in the per object settings and it seems to still be printing at .35mm. In places there is a perimeter wall though non is shown on the model. There are also two or three lines running through the print.


    I have tried this on an Ultimaker 2+ and extended Ultimaker 2+.







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