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Everything posted by powpai

  1. Does anyone know how to make changes to the firmware to remove the autoleveling sequence from the print initialization on the S5? It takes my printer exactly 10 minutes to completely heat up the print bed and the nozzles so it can properly autolevel and its just too much when I have to do 64 9 minute prints. (the reason I'm not doing them all on the same print bed is because each part is being printed with drastically different settings for a DOE).
  2. Hi, I was wondering if anyone had figured out how to manually set the extruder temperature, bed temperature, and the extruder x, y, and z position through the S5 interface. I don't know if I would have to download some kind of mod for it or what, I just really need to be able to manage those settings on my own in order to do the kind of maintenance I want on this printer.
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