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Posts posted by ClayJ

  1. We've been using Slic3r successfully for several years. I'd like to go over to Cura for Macintosh but one thing is stopping me. I'm using spiralize mode and I can't control the fill pattern in the base layers. I've set the infill pattern to 'lines' and it works fine for the first layer. In the second base layer Cura generates a loose, weak concentric fill with gaps, the third layer gets the lines again and the two patterns alternate for all the base layers. The result is that I can see daylight through the base layers. I've spent a long time with the 'expert' settings trying to replace the concentric fill with lines (ideally at right angles to the layer below) but no success. Any ideas?






    I should probably add that we extrude clay not plastic and make a lot of fancy bowls and vases. That's not a problem for most slicers. The slicer thinks it's printing rather coarse layers with a large nozzle and extremely fat filament! It does however explain why we use spiralize mode a lot and why we need our print bases to hold water.


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