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Posts posted by cerons

  1. Just now, tinkergnome said:

    Damn, too slow again, but anyway:


    Well, 3d-printing depends on solid, "watertight" models. 

    The model in your file is the exact opposite... 😛

    It consists of 114 separate (mostly overlapping) shells with paper thin walls, it's not usable for any manufacturing method that i' aware of.

    I'm not an expert and i don't know your modeling software, but there are tutorials for nearly everything out there nowadays...

    All i know is: you need to create a solid, watertight model without intersecting faces, without internal structures and so on....

    And as a rule of thumb: walls should not be thinner that two times the nozzle diameter, if you want to print it later.


    Good luck!

    Thank you for everythıngg 🙂

  2. 11 minutes ago, burtoogle said:

    Thanks for the file @cerons. It only contains the model and not the settings (you need to do File -> Save to save the settings and the model). Anyway, the model has problems. The mesh tools say it's not watertight (bad news for a water slide!). To be printable, the model needs to be watertight.





    Thanks for answer and how ı repair this model easly can you help me?

  3. 7 minutes ago, burtoogle said:

    Hello @cerons, it's hard to tell looking at your images exactly what is wrong. My first guess is that the model is too thin compared to the line widths, layer height, etc. It would help a lot if you could save the project file (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread. Thanks.

    Change .3mf but nothing change 😞 if i send my model can you look more detail for problem

  4. Hi; I have problem and ı can find any solution 😞 I have water slide project and ı want print my models.I am model ın 3dMax And send cura but my model always seems gray and ıcant pri2222.thumb.png.846e1fc185d93ab94d48d20ed4aa9d16.pngnt it.Cura Just show supports. I am new 3d Printer user pls help me 😕 My Printer is Ender 3


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