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Posts posted by MBoffin

  1. I also cannot select multiple files in the Open File dialog box, whereas this worked fine before 5.4.0. I'm using Windows 10. (Being able to bring in multiple files at once is hugely useful and I didn't even realize how much I actually use this feature until I found it not working.)

  2. Quote

    Why do you need to change the material mid print if your using a material station?


    The most common reason would be to, say, change colors mid-print.



    Also no, to manually manage filament on the machine the material station needs to be disconnected completely.


    Oof. Well, that's unfortunate. 😕 It just seems like something the material station would be naturally suited for as one of its functions, especially since it's already built to change spools automatically.

  3. I've tried searching the forums, but since you can't search for "s7", it's really hard to find any info about this. ("s7" is too short of a keyword for this forum's search function and it just ignores it.) In Cura, I can add the "filament change" code to the post processing scripts, and the S7 does actually pause, but there's no way to actually do the filament change once it's paused. The material station UI just says the filaments are currently in use and can't be changed. The "Tune" menu also has no option for changing filament either.


    Any ideas?

  4. Just an update on this. I worked with Ultimaker Support and we went through a bunch of different troubleshooting on all sorts of things. While we worked through what might be creating the problem, they also helped me figure out things that would, in the meantime, at least let me print anything at all and have it adhere to the plate. However, we did eventually get it down to just replacing the flexible build plate. They sent me a new build plate and the difference was night and day.


    Attached is a picture of the exact same model, printed hours apart, same printer, same spool of material. On the left is with all the tweaks and tricks needed to get it to adhere at all to the build plate (slower initial layer, lower build volume temp, brim, and so on), and on the right is on the replacement build plate with just straight up default 0.15mm Cura profile with no overrides on anything.




    Some of the problems on the left are curled up corners, rough first layer, etc.


    For now, I'm considering the issue solved. The only reason I say "for now" is that this is the quality that the printer was printing when I bought it a couple months ago, and it slowly got to the point where I needed to contact support. So I'm hoping it was just a one-off dud built plate and this one just stays fine from now on. I don't think it was caused by anything I was doing to the build plate, as I've been extremely extra-careful with it since I got it (only cleaning with 99% IPA, new clean microfiber cloths, rarely ever actually touching it with fingers, not scraping it, not actually touching it really with anything other than PLA, etc.). So, we'll see! But as I said, not it's resolved.


    I will put in a good word for Ultimaker Support. They were super helpful, very responsive, actually understood what I was running into, and I never felt like I was just being walked through a support script.

    • Like 1
  5. I did another test, this time with the same Ultimaker magenta filament that failed last time, but this time moved to Extruder 1, just in case maybe it was the extruder, not the material or build plate. But it failed as well. Here's the link to the video of it failing:




    In between this failed print and the last one, I also did all the 1- and 3-month maintenance actions, just to make sure it wasn't anything like that either.

  6. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to change things. I cleaned it extremely well just now, exactly following the linked instructions using 99% IPA.


    This is a video of the result of the next print (it failed):



    Just to make sure it wasn't my PLA, I opened a brand new package of Ultimaker magenta PLA and tried with that, also with the same result. (Actually it was worse, because it dragged the prime blob over to the middle, since even the prime blob wasn't adhering well to the plate.) I have a video, but accidentally hit the slo-mo button right before hitting record, so the recording is like 7 minutes long and in slow motion (and at half-resolution). I'm happy to upload it as well, though, if needed.


    Also, prior to my post here on the forum, I had tried using the other side of the build plate as well, just in case. Just as a note, since purchasing the S7 a couple months ago, the build plate has only ever been cleaned using 99% IPA and only with a microfiber cloth. (I even bought brand new microfiber cloths, just to make sure.) I've used no adhesives or anything other than printing directly on the build plate. (Never used paper towels, water, or anything like that.)

  7. Right now it's near impossible to find posts specific to, for example, "S7" or "S5" since they are only two letters and ignored by the search function. This results in a lot of irrelevant forum search results to wade through when looking for solutions to problems.

    Would be great if the search feature allowed two-letter keywords in searches.

  8. I have a relatively new S7 and I'm having a terrible time getting first layers to adhere to the bed at all. (The build plate is one of those flex plates that magnetically snaps to the bed.)


    Doesn't seem to be specific to material, as it happens with both PLA and PVA, and doesn't seem specific to material source either, as it happens with both Ultimaker and 3rd party materials. It just seems to be luck if the first layer actually sticks to the bed.


    I've had an Ultimaker 3 for years (with a glass plate) and never had issues with it adhering to the bed. (Occasionally there was a leveling issue that created rough first layers, but adhering was always fine.) I never had to use any special things like glue or anything like that. It just worked. For years. With the S7 it seems to be random luck if it adheres well. It worked well for the first month or so, but now it's probably 1 out of 5 print jobs that actually adheres correctly. The rest I have to abort even before the first layer is done.


    It just doesn't seem to stick to the build plate material very well. It seems extremely easy to pull off. You can see in the video how easily it peels up just from the print head passing by it.


    I've attached a video of a particularly bad example I just had happen. This time it barely stuck at all and started building up on the print core instead of printing on the build plate.


    I've tried cleaning it extremely well (with 99% IPA). I've had it run the leveling diagnostics. I've tried tweaking various first-layer settings in Cura. Nothing seems to help.


    Any suggestions or help would be hugely appreciated.


    Here's the video:



    Printer: Ultimaker S7 (w/ Material Station)

    Printer Firmware: Latest 8.2.0

    Cura: 5.3.1

  9. I have an Ultimaker S7 that's just a few weeks old and just starting today I began to hear this bad sound when printing, and it only seems to happen when moving diagonally toward the front-left. You can hear it several times in the video linked below. The sound seems to be coming from the left side? But it's super hard to tell. Has anyone heard this sound before and knows what it might be from? Or ideas of things I can try to pinpoint the problem? Any help would be super appreciated!


    Here's a video of the noise:


  10. 8 hours ago, tomnagel said:

    Unfortunately, S3600 is not implemented in the Ultimaker version of Marlin. What happens instead is that the motors are disengaged until the next move. This causes the bed to drop uncontrolled, later causing the bed to be lowered below the bottom.


    Thank you for taking a look at and explaining that. I appreciate it. That makes sense.


    8 hours ago, tomnagel said:

    In the pause at height window in Cura, there is a drop down box "Method". For UM3 and all S-line printers you need to select Griffin.


    Unfortunately, in that video I showed, that is the Griffin method being used. I checked and it does have the line "M84 S3600 ; Keep steppers engaged for 1h", but as mentioned, the gcode in the new file is ";FLAVOR:Griffin". Pardon my ignorance, but if I'm understanding what you said correctly, the Ultimaker version of Marlin doesn't understand the S3600 code, but Griffin does? Meaning, it should be keeping the motors engaged, but somehow is not.


    I've attached the gcode file I used for the video (as opposed to the first attached one that had all 5 different methods used).


  11. Okay, so I finally got it to accept a Pause At Height instruction. I had to connect to the printer a different way in Cura. If I just told it to "Print via Cloud" to my Digital Factory printer instance, it would ignore all the Pause At Height commands. If I chose the printer via Manage Printers and activated that same printer, and then clicked "Print via Cloud", for some reason it would accept the Print At Height command. I don't see the different between the two? But okay.


    But now I have a new problem, which is that when it lowers the build plate during the pause, it goes too far and makes a HORRENDOUS grinding noise. And then when it raises it back up, it doesn't go back up far enough and starts trying to print over mid-air. 😕 So... yeah, if anyone has any idea how to fix this, any help would be hugely appreciated.


    Here's a video of what happens right at the pause point when it lowers the build plate too far:


  12. I've used a Pause At Height instruction before on my U3 and it always worked fine. I now have an S7 and am trying to get it to pause at a specific layer. However, it seems to just totally ignore the instructions. Just to really test, I tried a print with 5 different Pause At Height instructions, each using a different "method" setting, and each at a different layer height, but it ignored all of them. (Using Cura 5.3.0.)


    Anyone have any advice on how to get the S7 to pay attention to Pause At Height instructions?

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