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  1. You are right on @GregValiant The minimum layer time is set to 10 secs. By decreasing the time the expected speeds can be seen in the Colour Scheme Dialog
  2. I don't use the Colour Scheme dialog much so I am not sure how the colour setup works when you combine choices. It might do some kind of averaging calculation when they overlap or something else? If I use it I generally look at individual items at a time. If you select each item individually you will see that the scale changes so I don't think using them together is a good idea as the scale may not be what you think it is. You would have to ask someone who actually uses this for the real information. Mine is all speculation. Looking at it more carefully it looks like the speeds don't match the colour legend anyways. The legend shows 60 to be orange but the walls appear to be printing at 45. Maybe this is a bug or its just how I am interpreting the information. I did a quick check but didn't see anything on Git Hub. You might want to look into this further if it is something you use?
  3. Since I don't have a Creality Ender 3-S1 Printer The printer was created when I opened as a project. I also made sure that the nozzle settings were created new (since I already had a 0.6 nozzle defined) The result was the same with the speed settings displayed as in the last post. I am also running 5.3.0 Did you unselect the Travel moves in your colour dialog?
  4. I opened it as a project and this is what I get. What version of Cura are you running?
  5. Do you have some other setting that would not allow your walls to reach speed? This is a small model on my printer showing speeds. I don't seem to have that issue. Sometimes I start fresh with default settings and just change what I know works. If you are piggybacking your slicing on old setups there may be settings that are causing issues that you would have to go back through one by one to find.
  6. You can adjust your settings so the first layers are different than the rest. Often I will make sure my first layer has lower acceleration and jerk settings than the others to ensure that the first layer goes down nicely. The first layer can also be problematic if your filament is not sticking well to the bed nicely, so slowing it down gives you a better foundation for the rest where you can then speed things up.
  7. That shouldn't have made any difference to the show configuration folder though, or was that only happening when the USB adapter was inserted in the USB of the computer?
  8. Happy Birthday🎂 You might also want to test out the jerk settings. I set some of the small items and sharp corners down to 5 or lower. those parts of the print slow down quite a bit but if its only on the first layer and you get better adhesion for those small pieces its worth it. Printing PETG on glass is sometimes really difficult to get the filament to stick to the bed rather than the nozzle. I took a look at those tungsten carbide nozzles. Their printing characteristics (conductivity and hardness) look really good. I also noted that some have low friction coatings that make it more difficult for filament to stick to it. I can't afford parts like that so I just use hardened steel for abrasive materials.
  9. I would try and figure out where the issue is actually happening in the first layer. On my prints with PETG it was when the nozzle quickly moved from point A to point B or tight corners. Because of that I was able to use the acceleration and jerk settings to slow those particular movements way down. I could adjust these specifically for the first layer as it wasn't a problem later on. It meant parts of my first layer was slower but the rest of the print could proceed as usual. If you are printing PLA, have you tried increasing the 'squish' of your first layer just a little bit more to ensure that the adhesion was good on the first layer so the filament would not lift at all? That was not possible with PETG. I might also try increasing the first layer a little more just as a test. Maybe up to 0.3?
  10. Does it appear to be a print speed issue where the filament is being pulled away from the bed before it has a chance to stick properly? Is it only on your first layer? When I have had small objects (usually with PETG) that get stuck to the nozzle and pull off the bed, I usually set my first layer jerk to a very low setting and decrease my acceleration settings for the same. This usually allows those beads of filament to bond to the bed enough that the nozzle movement does not pull them free. I only need this for the first layer as after that the filament sticks to itself and can therefore run faster.
  11. LOL I don't have printer settings in my side menu. Guess I should add that. This is the setting that sometimes gets overlooked. Not sure if it is critical but I am pretty sure I have had under extrusion issues when I forgot to change it.
  12. Thanks Cuq. I just changed the name of my existing predator.def.json file and it now displays the proper mesh. it still references the original extruder and cfg files so i am going to run this for a while to see if it works and I don't get any other errors. I'm pretty sure I put everything back to stock. I'll probably have to wait for the next upgrade to be positive it solves all the issues but it appears to be fixed for now. The funny thing is that I thought I had already done this but when I added a new printer I got a configuration error. I guess I must have made some other change at the same time as now, when I add a new printer, it works fine. Thanks for the help.
  13. Have you checked the humidity of your filament lately. A little moisture might be causing some flow inconsistencies. How about the shape your nozzle is in? Just grasping at straws here. From the photos it appears to be those edge pieces. Do you have coasting turned on or another feature that might decrease flow as it reached the end of a path or corner so that there is a limited flow as it begins a new path?
  14. Thanks for the info Cuq The predator.def.json file in my local user definition folder is the original file with my original file name. The Cura created file in the Cura install folder is the file that was submitted and has some different information including a different mesh name. Assuming that Cura is reading my local predator.def.json file, I am not clear why it is no longer using my custom mesh and texture files. They are stored in my local config folder in the meshes and images folders. Just to test if my local predator.def.json file mesh is being used I copied a version of my obj file into the Cura install meshes folder and started Cura again. It appears to still only use the mesh file named in the Cura installation predator.def.json file and not the one listed in my local config folder. I then changed the mesh name in the Cura installation predator.def.json file to match my mesh name and it works as expected. Unless I am missing something this would indicate to me that, the mesh can be stored in either the Cura meshes folder or my local meshes folder but Cura will ignore the mesh defined in my local predator.def.json file and only uses the name specified in the Cura install predator.def.json If this is the case, I can't see how I can over-ride the defined mesh file using my local predator.def.json file Unless someone can clarify this for me I guess my only option is to clear out my installation and rebuild everything from scratch or just keep changing the install definition file every time I upgrade.
  15. Thanky you. I have just installed the plugin. I agree with Cuq that some of these plugins should be enabled by default.
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