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  1. Hi @Torgeir, I already cut them but I think the blades are worn. At least the bowden tube still moves a bit. It got better for sure but i think new ones with new collets is the best solution. Do you mind sharing the 3mf with the support blocker so I can have a look where and how you placed them? Thanks Louis Edit: sorry for double response. It didnt show my response until now, so I rewrote it.
  2. Hi @Torgeir, yes, I did that. But I think my collets are worn out. It still moves slightly but its definetly improoved. Do you mind sending the 3mf, so i can see where you did put the support blocker? Thanks, Louis
  3. Hi @Torgeir its just the first piece, i aborted the print process as this isnt the quality i am after. At least partly I found the issue. While the bowden tube appears to be fixed in place, it moves while retracting. I noticed, that I still had the old bowden clips installed. So by increasing the wipe distance and with my 3d printed collet clips, I should be able to compensate until I got new tubes. Any reccomendation there? (preferably cheaper ones as the original. I dont need the transparency) I also noted that this support structure isnt working. As I dont want tree support, I need a way to tell cura to delete those super long and thin supports while still having soluable support in the holes for dimensional accuracy. Support blocker doesnt seem to work. I tried it few times with different plugins and it generates support everytime. Setting support horizontal expansion to zero will just not connect the pillar and have it end in the part. I also need expansion in order to have a good surface for the fins. Thanks Louis Edit: I tried the method using random locations, but this did just spread the holes.
  4. Hi @Torgeir / @Slashee_the_Cow, I tried increasing the wipe distance with no effect. I also had a look at the stuff you mentioned Torgeir. All those settings wouldnt result in my issues. I would love to see blobs on the seam instead of underextrusion. I also checked for the bowden but thats fixed in place. When tuning off retraction, I got a ton of stringing and overall everything gets messy, but my z seam holes are gone. So it probably is retract related. I can send in a non retracted project file tomorrow if you like. I will try printing with another cura version as well. For settings, I guess I have tried everything but feel free to reccomend what could help. It only needs 1layer to check, since all the holes / circles are already non connected. Pretty frustrated with that tbh.
  5. it should be arround here. I switched to triangle infill btw to save space. But it aint that much.
  6. I don't have my laptop atm but its from the beginning. Basically the first hundred layers. But I guess it goes along the whole z seam.
  7. here is the 3mf UMS3_jet housing.3mf
  8. I just checked, coasting is turned off
  9. Hi torgeir, I used latest version of cura. The place is always on the seam join. Thanks for helping.
  10. Hi Torgeir, yes the file is very complex. It has lots of round edges. Also the part fills almost the whole build area. Decreasing the resolution would also mean less smooth parts I guess. Its already a pain to slice lol. Still I don't know why the seam wont connect. Or could this be correlated to the file size?
  11. I started printing a 4 days print and noticed that my z seam is not connected. It looks like underextrusion but it isnt, as the other layers are perfectly fine. Any help would be appreciated! The 3mf is not the sliced file of the print. I only have the ufp for the print. UMS3_jet housing.ufp
  12. Hello everybody, I tried already some settings to improove my BVOH interface layer parts. Unfortunately it seems like I cant really get every side of my impeller (the blades) to stick. On side works flawlessly, while the other one only sticks half way. I am printing with MAERTZ PETG and Xioneer BVOH. I cant get the PETG support to directly print on the interface layers, at least thats what I have found. Does anybody have a solution how I should adapt my settings? UMS3_impeller hybrid mixed flow keyed.3mf
  13. Hello community, I soon need to print a large model which needs soluble support. Now my question would be if anybody tried Xioneer VXL 70 for PLA/PETG, their BVOH or if its a better choice to use Verbatim/BASF BVOH. I am using an EIBOS Polyphemus material station combined with an UMS3. I will use interface layers to save material & money. I guess 1mm at 0.2mm layerheight are enough for interface layers? I mainly need to have smooth surfaces which are floating islands. From my readings, the UM PVA is a pain to work with, as well as PVA in general. (I dont care how long it takes to dissolve. If it ends up 48h in water so be it). Main goal is to have a good overhang quality for preferably somewhat cheap. Any help / experience would be appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance! Louis
  14. Thank you so much man! This is BY FAR MORE than I've asked for! You've made half a research for me. Thank you for everything!!!
  15. Thanks for helping, here is the .3mf UMS3_jet housing.3mf
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