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Posts posted by TomVenom

  1. Hi all,


    finally, I took time friday evening to put the printer on a table in front of me, opened a beer, rolled a cigarette, and did some adjustments on the printer. Especially the pulley of the plate, Y Axis. And now it's working very fine with Cura, I had a great surprise with a really good accuracy.

    I also checked some screws like those fixing the vertical supports. I moved the filament spool holder at the left most extremity (I noticed that the spool is making some small vibrations when it rolls when the filament is extruded). Maybe I will build a better spool axis to ensure smooth rolls.


    For me, now, I can say that problem is solved.  Thanks a lot for help and posts.






  2. 2 hours ago, BlondieSL said:

    Well, I solved this on my printer.  First, I had to totally re-align the 2 bed rails.  They were not even and not perfectly straight with the frame.  But that isn't what fixed the shift.

    What fixed my shifting problem and still being able to user higher print speeds (50-60) was to to into Cura and open up ALL the Acceleration and ALL the Jerk options.

    For acceleration, my first test was to just put all the numbers down to 800.  They were all at 3,000, except one that was at 5,000.

    Then, for jerk, they were all at 20 so I put them all at 8.


    Before doing that, on a test build, I sliced to see the time.

    After the changes to settings, I sliced again to see that time.

    To my great surprise, the times were almost the same.  After settings added, maybe 1-2 minutes!  Well worth it.


    Now, SO FAR.... I've not had another shift.

    As for replacing the motor, sure, perhaps a bigger, "better" motor could handle it.  But the motor on mine is already very big.

    It makes sense that a motor, having to move a heavy bed with a glass on it, being jerked and accelerated FAST like that, is going to slip.


    I hope someone, who is having this shifting issue, tried the above and reports back.


    Also, if after doing this, you find blobbing, just increase the jerk by 1 and acceleration by 50 and test.  Repeat until you find that sweet spot.

    I only mention this because I read somewhere that too low of these number can cause some issues like blobbing.


    To date, I've not had any of that.  The prints are FINALLY looking great and nice and solid.


    Sure hope that helps.


    Hi BlondieSL,


    thank you very much for these explanations. I will try them tonight.



  3. Hi all,


    i'm still looking and searching about the topic on the web.


    I supposed you had a look on the topic on this forum  :


    It seems that printers based on moving beds on Y are concerned. The motor would not be "powerful" enough (torque, and so on...).

    Some people replaced the motor by another one, and it seems now working like a charm ... But why does it appear on gcode produced by cura?

    Here is the link to motor replacement on CREALITY CR-10S PRO : https://www.instructables.com/id/Creality-CR10S-Pro-Y-Axis-Stepper-and-Power-Upgrad/





  4. Hi all,


    My printer : CREALITY CR-10S PRO, firmware : Tiny Machines 3D Firmware B7

    Cura Version : 4.2.1.


    I'm facing the same issues, Y-axis layer shift with Cura only, unfortunately...

    I will check the different speeds and accelerations settings...

    I got this printer in the beginning of July, so quite new. I didn't check for the moment the different hardware parts (screws, gears, steppers, ... ). Maybe I will check them to be sure.




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