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Everything posted by Daniel26

  1. Hello, is Cura realy Open Source? Also for the companys who are using Cura and modyfied them for their needs? Regards Daniel
  2. I wan't to execute the plugin everytime a gcode file is being created. Best would be a point in the settings to activate it. What are the qml files for? I'm not totally nw to python, I'm also writing apps with pyQT in business. But I don't have any clue how to write a plugin for cura.
  3. Hmm, no. It seems not to be the same. The UFP creates a bundle. I wan't the code in the gcode-file. Butr I think it will bring me a step further. Thanks. But when will a plugin be executed? Everytime I slice a file? Or can I configure when a plugin will be executed?
  4. Ok, Nice. What is this plugin doing? But isn't there anywhere a howto? When is a plugin called? I wan't to include a preview of the model with specific g-codes to the G-Code-File.
  5. Hmmm, I try to reengineer a plugin and looking for a funktion which I can't find neither in uranium nor somwhere else in Cura: Application.getInstance().getMainWindow().screenshotImages() Can anybody help me to find it? Or the replacement in newer versions of Cura? Regards
  6. Hello, is there anywhere a HowTo for writing plugins? Which classes can be used etc. pp. Regards Daniel
  7. Ok, it is NOT plugin related. I uninstalled, deleted the program folder, all folders under c:\Users\user\AppData, restarted, installed new, restartet....I see a cura icon for a half second, then.....nothing. In taskmanager a cura process is shown. The folders in c:\Users\user\AppData are NOT created....cura seems to hang. But where does it hang? And why? The system log shows also nothing cura related. But cura was running on that machine till yesterday so I think it is not a compatibility issue...
  8. Ok, deleted that file and started Cura again...it is not created. So I created it by hand, but the file is still 0 byte. Hmmm.....
  9. Hello, I did some modifications on a plugin. Now the cura only plops up shortly. How can I log the errors or start cura on the command shell to see where it crashes? OS is Windows 10 Regards Daniel
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