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Posts posted by Error404

  1. 53 minutes ago, ChaseAteIt said:

    Did that fix it?


    Couple of things...

    One, I switched to the metallic filament (since it's the one that shows the most) and I experienced a nozzle blockage right away that made my bowden tube pop out. After that I decided, It was not worth it using that filament (second time it happens to me).


    So I tried Coasting on a new model that I needed to print and it was like 99% gone. I might try re printing the same model as the one that I posted to see how it looks, but my time is limited during the week. If I try it will be the weekend

  2. On 1/4/2020 at 1:54 PM, Smithy said:

    I guess this are starting points of travel moves and the bumps are the rest of the oozing nozzle.

    So check and play with your retract settings and try to turn off "Combing" or enable "Coasting", which could help.


    Normally I have such results only with PETG, not with PLA.

    Thanks I will try Coasting (Combing is off already).  I increased retraction from 5mm to 8mm and the speed from 45 to 50.

  3. I have tested different cooling %, different filament temperatures, and different filaments brands, but it doesn't seem to completely eliminate it. The photo below shows it clearly due to the PLA being shiny.... when using other PLAs it's  not as noticeable... but it's there.


    BTW, it happens in the same spots every time... so I'm imagining it's part of the cura path that creates the condition (I just don't know which setting to adjust).


    Any ideas?




  4. Printer U20 ONE (Gearbest)

    Cura 4.3

    HATCHBOX filament (brand new)

    I'm a newbie, this is my first printer and tests. I noticed after printing benchy the stringing issue. I have lowered my temp to as low as 180 (bed at 60), I have played with my retraction distance (from 5 to 10mm) and my retraction speed from 40mm/s to up to 60mms/s with no success. I also have Z-hop checked on.

    What else can I test? Could a different brand filament help?

    I haven't updated the firmware from my u20, could that help?

    FAKE EDIT - I just read a post saying that switching to CURA 4.1 could solve the issue... but I haven't tried yet.

    Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    2019-11-16 07.20.17.jpg

    2019-11-16 07.20.30.jpg

    2019-11-16 07.20.34.jpg

    2019-11-16 07.20.40.jpg

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