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Everything posted by inkaworld

  1. Hi Smithy, Thank you for your reply, I was about to call it a night, I did try everything, yeah rasberry had a network connection and had an IP address from router, yeah I was able to connect to the octoprint web gui. But , I think your reply made it work ..... lol. after reading your reply went back and switch on laptop, 3d printer and rasberry pi: everything looked fine, rasberry pi network connected , octoprint on my web browser connected to printer, so i went and open cura to have another go, and Guess what, ....... this time there was an octoprint instance to choose from, so , i think your message made it work ......lol. My Ultimaker Cura is connected to Octoprint 🙂 . I have sliced a file and clicked print with octoprint to test, "it's working" printing as i write this message, I guess i'm staying up a little longer 🙂 . Thanks Bud.
  2. Hi, I need some help in connecting Ultimaker Cura 4.4 to Octoprint. I downloaded and installed Ultimaker Cura 4.4, i have been using it since i started 3D Printing ( 4 days ....lol) I got a rasberry pi 3 B+ and octoprint to 3D print on my Ender 3. Now I would like to connect Cura 4.4 to Octoprint, I installed the octoprint connect plugin , after going to managed printers, i can see the tab "connect octoprint", I click on it but on the next page under "select octoprint instances from below" there is nothing, its empty, nothing to select. I have seen a few youtube videos about it but they are all from privious version of cura. I have Ultimaker Cura on my Windows 10 Laptop. Is there a way to do the connection?, I might be doing something wrong, i dont know much about it. Any help will be appreciated . Thanks
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