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Everything posted by Turan

  1. Thank you again Yep our lab has big ventilation but not exactly above the printer but attached to the roof wall. No I don't want to use it again however I have concern for previoys months. Actually it has not smell or so but the carbon fiber part has some problems at all. I should use mask that time. Hopefully it was 6 months and it was not everyday or continuously
  2. Thank you so much In our lab big fumes are attached to the roof. However, they are far from the printer. My printer is creality cr-10. I did 3d printing for about 6 months. Pure petg and petg+cf (20 percent carbon fiber). I am not going to use it anymore since my research is don.e Do you think that it made some problems to my health? Sometimes I cleaned the area and once I used elecrical vacuum cleaner. I never used mask:(
  3. Guys Does anybody know how much concern should we have about exposing to xt or xt-cf20 while printing regarding the health? Does it make any cancer risks? Working in the lab where the printer is also working there I mean. The printer is opened without any shelter. Thank
  4. Guys Does anybody know how much concern should we have about exposing to xt or xt-cf20 while printing regarding the health? Does it make any cancer risks? Working in the lab where the printer is also working there I mean. The printer is opened without any shelter. Thanks
  5. Hello i have one strange problem. When I take out the nozzle, the thermistor does work and it heats up to the point I order. However, when I attach the nozzle the temperature rises up to the 10 degree less than the desired temperature. For instance, when I give 250 degree it goes up to 240 degree and stops there!! Does anybody have any idea? Thanks
  6. Hello, I change the print speed to 6 mm/s intentionally in 3d printer. When I looked at the gcode it seems that for the first layer it does not imply this layer and after the second layer it starts to print in that speed. Does anybody know why? And whether I am correct? Since, I also feel it while printing. The first layer prints slowly Thanks
  7. Of course. They did not give me. They even dont know they said since they corporate with others Secret!!!?
  8. I checked with another laptop. It does not work. It seems that the micro card itself works but the sd card holder does not work since the second one also is not new. Other USBs work well in my laptop. One more question. I put sd card in 3d printer and it works. When I took it off it still continues printing ! Why is that?
  9. I use another adaptor. It started working first and then after an hour it cannot be read also!! the previous one works for a 6 months.
  10. Hello guys, I am talking about the colorfabb xt-cf20 printing with the creality cr-10s. If anybody has the same experience please share it with me. The subject f the topic is the reason why I ask my question here. I attached the image here. You know this really irritates me. I really had bad time with this machines. It seems t hat this material is too much for this machine!! Let me explain. Actually, I use 0.5 mm steel nozzle (It has been around 3 months that I have used this one). 0.4 mm width. It is so strange that it could not print well. Actually, it is not related to speed, temperature or so since I tried everything actually. You know sometimes it seems that it could not be squeezed out from the nozzle or micro temporarily clogged! It seems for me that the carbon fibers cannot squeeze out for a while which I called it micro temporarily clogged. Maybe the nozzle is done! I don't know maybe even the machine itself!
  11. Thanks you so much I am not sure whether I got wrong or not However, I need the aspect ratio in micro size. Before starting are these steps for finding the aspect ratio in micro size. For example normally the carbon fiber length is 100 micrometer and diameter is 7.5 micrometer
  12. Thank you so much Catlord. Yep. I mean the length to diameter ratio of this specific XT-CF20 after printing. Since in 3d printing we the fibers are cut and I could not actually measure it correctly. Did you have any experience?
  13. I have a slot that I put micro sd card in it and then enter it to laptop. Then, I just use that sd card for 3d printer
  14. Thanks Another one is also not working. Formatting by itself? If it is formatted then it still works on 3d printer right? Actually, normal usb's work in the laptop.
  15. Thanks Smithy I have one more question. When I attach the empty slot to the laptop it recognizes it, however, when I put sd card inside the slot the laptop cannot show it. The sd card works inside 3d printer. So, could we conclude that the problem is with the slot itself?
  16. Thanks Smithy I have one more question. When I attach the empty slot to the laptop it recognizes it, however, when I put sd card inside the slot the laptop cannot show it. The sd card works inside 3d printer. So, could we conclude that the problem is with the slot itself?
  17. Hello, Previously, while I change the feed rate manually, e.g. from 100% to 200% the speed of the feed also increased in 3d printer. However, it is not changed now while I alter it manually. What is the problem? It should work actually.
  18. Hi, My sd card holder is not working such that my laptop cannot read the SD card, so I cannot connect the sd card to laptop. However, there is a connector from 3d printer to the laptop. How can I use it? I want to transfer file to the 3d printer? What are the other options? Can I send my file to the 3d printer and then disconnect the laptop? is there any easy way? Thanks
  19. Anybody knows the aspect ratio (fiber length to the diameter of this material)? Anybody had any academic experience?
  20. Thanks you How about the layer adhesion. What causes the bad adhesion?
  21. Thank you so much. There are two fans working right? One is in front of me and the others on the right hand side of the hotend. The one in front of me is working always while start printing but the others depend on my gcode.
  22. I have one more question. Could high speed printing result in wearing the feeder grip sooner?
  23. Hello, I have clogging problem. I want to print 16 layers each 0.2 mm but after printing 10 layers it is going to be clogged above the nozzle. Actually it is still hot and by pressing I can easily remove the material inside. What could be the problems? I have a crazy question. I loosened the filament around the spool since I think that when it is tightened it is hard for the machine to pull it! It might be crazy, I don't know actually. When I turned back in the morning I see that it is tightened and clogged. (I changed the knurled wheel since I thought that it was worn out). Would you please help me?
  24. Thank you so much. So by microswiss you mean sth like https://www.robolinkmarket.com/cr-10-j-head-hotend-v6-24v-50w-ender-3.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA2vjuBRCqARIsAJL5a-L59h1CSSzq2046IMEvLFUGHJw8nnMpxuMBTzdDEQqsEf1r4JESfyAaAgekEALw_wcB ? And, I use 0.5mm nozzle. Is it ok? Why I use gcode? Since we cannot print some staffs with out gcode. It is an academic work actually If we buy that hotend then changing firmware would be a really annoying task since this is an academic work and it might take too long to FINISH THIS WORK (so changing firmware is really necessary right?) Unfortunately, I have limited amount of time
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