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  1. I think this is what is anticipated. Sounds like there needs to be fine tuning on the fan speed end. In a production environment with 3 Pro bundles we need to not have a jet engine room. I would expect to slice in Cura, send to Ultimaker S5, and have it dictate the fan speed needed without having it sound like a 747. I understand some material will need a faster fan speed to properly capture particulates. For example with regular PLA: If previously without the air manager the Ultimaker S5 was printing properly, it seems it does not need 75% speed from the air manager throughout the print. It seems the air manager needs to better determine what's going on inside the chamber.
  2. Was needing to get a printer for work and was looking at the Ultimaker 5S. Saw there was an issue with the firmware for some of the bundled parts. Was supposed to be shipping next week and now I have been told it is delayed until February from one of the largest sellers in the U.S. Totally disappointed.
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