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Posts posted by DBDalgliesh

  1. Anyone have difficulty printing with TPU via the Ultimaker material station?  Background: first print went fine, everything loaded up and the print was successful.  I went to print a second time (same thing) and got error 56 - printer feeder filament pickup unsuccessful.  note: the filament had retracted back into the material station by the time I started the second print.  I tried 3 more times, checking the feeder tension, obstructions etc.  Then I ran a small PLA print and it fed no problem...I'm thinking that last meter or so of the TPU filament, because it has been fed through a couple of times, is no good(?).  I will try cutting off 2 meters and try again.  

  2. This is probably nothing but I just discovered it while waiting for a print to set up.  I doesn't seem to affect anything but just doesn't look right (maybe I'm nuts though;).  I have circled it in the photo, you will probably have to zoom in to see.  Is this normal?  it only occurs when the printer head is centre forward.  




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