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  1. @gregrichard13, the start gcode provided by @mblaughton heats both nozzles because it purges both nozzles whether or not you use them. If you want to heat them up only if they are in use, some trial and error might be required. I think the easiest thing to do would be to duplicate the profile for each nozzle and modify the start gcode to implement the portion pertaining to your desired nozzle. I have done this with one of my other dual nozzle printers that isn't as smart. IMHO, hot nozzles are okay; I would love to hear a gcode/printer expert weigh-in on how to do what you ask more efficiently.
  2. I used @mblaughton's profile for the Raise3D Pro 2+. Modified for the larger volume. Changed "machine_height": { "default_value": 300 }, to "machine_height": { "default_value": 605 }, and I changed the title of the files to reflect the machine name and gcode text from/to "name": "Raise3D Pro2+ Dual". Making no other changes to the Pro2 Dual printer profile provided, I edited the slicing parameters to be nearly identical to the IdeaMaker slicing parameters that I used. I used an identical number of shells (walls and top/bottom layers), print and travel speed appropriate for my machine (identical in both slicers), the same layer heights, and the same infill type and infill percentage. My Cura simulated result was 2 hours 40 minutes. The same part simulated in IdeaMaker was 4 hours 7 minutes.
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