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Everything posted by JamestKirkup

  1. I recently upgraded my ender 3 to a micro swiss all-metal hot end - starting to regret it! I am aware that all-metal hot ends are suseptable to heat creep so I made sure my fan ducting and stuff was all dialled in. I still get clogs though, like a lot, its not my extruder and I'm using cura to slice my models. Nozzle is also brand new and clear. What I've heard is that large retractions are a big issue with all metal hot ends, so I dialled it right back to 3mm Still got clogs!! So...I kept trying prints and noticed something weird, while watching the printer like a hawk sure enough it clogged up and the extruder started slipping, and then I saw it retracting around 30mm at a rate of about 15mm/s or so, it then did a travel move, undid the retraction and kept printing. I've seen this happen twice now but for the rest of the print it just does the normal 3mm of retraction i told it to. I am totally stuck on this one, please help!
  2. Hi there, I'm trying to print business cards with raised text in a different colour, I'm using the pause at height plugin for cura 4.4.0. It stops the print at the right height and moves the print head to one corner, the pause button on screen changes to a resume button, I load the other filament and press resume but nothing happnes, the printer stays hot with the fans on and it just sits there, any ideas here? P.S. I am using an Ender 3 running the latest version of Marlin running on a MKS gen L with TFT screen. Any help would be much appreciated
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