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Posts posted by MatijaP

  1. 24 minutes ago, ahoeben said:

    M190 S25 only waits for the bed to *heat up* to 25 degrees. Since the bed temperature directly after printing will be higher than 25 degrees, effectively it will not wait at all.


    According to the Marlin documentation, it should be possible to wait for the bed to cool down by specifying the temperature with R instead of S: M190 R25



    Two caveats:

    * I don't know if the flavor/fork of Marlin in the S5 supports the R argument for M190

    * It may take a very long time for the bed to reach 25 degrees, especially in the summer. There will be no way to "abort" the wait, other than aborting the whole print including the part(s) that come(s) after the cooldown.


    Ahh I didn't pay any attention of the wait until heated to xx °C.

    I will definitely try with the R25 instead and will let you know. But on Monday.


    Thanks for the notes as well.

    1° I guess we will see if it is supported soon.

    2° Since Im in northern Germany ATM and the project will be done in 1.5 months, it won't be to hot 🙂

  2. Hello,


    I am working on a project where we have to print a lot of piece and would like to leave the printer (Ultimker S5) to print over the whole weekend (so I don't loose the 20h of possible print time).


    So I have changed the G-code to make it "automatized", where it print the model, pushes it out and goes off to print the same thing again.

    I have defined the travel and it works, but I have encountered a problem with the heating bed temperature.

    So, the printer should cool the glass plate to about 20-25 °C before pushing the model out to be sure it will be removed easier.


    Here is the G-code I have added/changed (# are just the comments I added here😞

    M140 S25 #cool the bed to 25 °C
    G0 X160 Y125  #move "behind" the model
    G0 Z10 #move down
    G0 Y0 F2000 #push the model out
    #The rest is c/p from the beggining of the print
    M140 S85 #heat the bed to 85 °C
    M106 S1 
    M204 S2812
    M205 X18 Y18
    ;MESH:Object 34
    G0 F6180 X158.075 Y28.465 Z0.42
    M204 S750
    M205 X7.5 Y7.5
    G1 F1500 E51.96984

    However, the printer does not wait for the bed to cool down, but only continues to push the model out right away and start a new print.

    I have also tried with M190 (Wait for bed temperature to reach target temp) after the M140, but Im not sure it is supported by UM as I receive an error on the S5 that the bed temperature is not defined properly.


    Any ideas how can I make the UM S5 wait to reach defined temperature and then proceed to push the model out, wait to heat the bed again and start printing again ?




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