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Everything posted by BlueRidgeDog

  1. I have a print that I need to fill with fluid. I was thinking I could pause the print prior to the top being printed and then fill it. Where in the G Code would I do this and what commands would pause it and wait for a button press to resume? Is this even possible? It would save me from having to put a port in the product and having to address sealing issues with a fitting. Thanks.
  2. Thanks. This is to hold product on an assembly station, to be filled with freezer gel and frozen so that the product stays cool during processing. Letting the slicer deal with support/infill will be easier than designing a simple structure. I am going to use PETG that should handle freezing and thawing.
  3. I need to design a product that will be filled with a special liquid. I can design two walls and an open infill pattern so the liquid can disperse, but is there an existing infill pattern that is open? Something like stacked crisscross lines or similar?
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