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Posts posted by RickyDRZ

  1. Good afternoon,


    Hello to everybody!


    I'm writting here because the last few days I've been having a lot of issues with breakaway clogging. I was printing a part that lasted 3 days and when it had printed pretty well for one and a half days the breakaway got clogged.


    I did the atomic clean up, everything seemed to work fine, but two hours latter the printcore got clogged again.


    I've tried many things, cleaning, changing parameters in cura, changing the spool to another location, ... but any of them worked. I finally changed the printcore to another one that was working fine, and it got clogged too. So as a last try out I opened a brand new spool of breakaway, I putted it on the same printcore and now is working just fine!!


    And the my question is!: If I am using a Polybox with temperature around 22ºC and humidity between 10-20%, and I haven't touched the box since I opened the spool, the other spool that I have inside the box is Tough PLA and is working just fine. Why is breakaway just not working when I still have half of the spool to go. It worked fine for the first half and now it's impossible to work with!! I would understand that if I had the material just on the back on the printer could have got some humidity or dust, but having everything under a controled environment? Could it be that the breakaway got too dry?


    If anyone has had the same issues and could share...


    Thank you all very much,

  2. Hello everybody.


    It's the first time I'm writting in this forum so let me Introduce myself a bit. I use 3D printing mainly at work, we have a Ultimaker 3 Extended to print prototypes. 99% of our print are made in grey PLA and we normally use either PVA or Breakaway as supports. Lately I've been having issues with the the bottom layers, not the intial layer, all the bottom layer sin contact with the supports. I've tryed many things, touching temperature, velocities, overflows, material,... all kinds of setting but at the end I was having the same results.

    Today I was thinking about it and I did a change, I downloaded the version 3.6 of cura and I've printed with the exact same settings, materials and printer and magically the problem has gone away!

    Does anyone know why? There is anything I can do in Cura 4.4 to print as good as cura 3.6?


    I attach a picture with both prints.




    Thank you veru much!



    Cura4_4 vs 3_6.jpg

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