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  1. Thanks for the quick resonse! Yes we did. But currently old installtions with the EXE Installation are installed. So we can't uninstall these installations (currently we remove the files manualy with Powershell-Script). In our opinion the best practice is to use the MSI installion files, but with these files we can't install the arduino driver. Is planned to use configuration options with the MSI installation files? So we can better control the installation process. A small thing like "Add Desktop Icon on installation" for u but a big thing for our users 🙂 Best regards André
  2. We use the Ultimaker Cura Software on severals PCs. The update interval is very short so we plan to deploy the software automatical. The current uninstaller can not used because a dialog "MessageBox MB_YESNO "Do you want to remove all your configuration files?" IDYES remove_user_dir_yes IDNO remove_user_dir_no" will block an automation. Will this be fixed in a future version? It would be nice if the Installer can be configured to install components (Ardino driver, and others...) best regards André Dörr
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