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Posts posted by Flyingkiwi69

  1. Thanks for the reply.

    It seems that the best way to fix this is to increase the wall count, I was previously using 2 now 3, that way I always get a minimum of 3 on top which is enough to fill in the holes.


    It happens will all models that I've tried where the top of the model is not a flat defined "top" so not the normals.


    I tried doing the top by thickness rather than layers and the same problem occurs.


    It's seems like there should be a setting that defines at what angle the surface becomes a top rather than a wall.


    The two screenshots below are an example, the tile model and then the slice, you can see the two walls rather than 4 top layers.

    Hopefully that makes sense...?

    Tile 2.jpg

    Tile 1.jpg

  2. Hi,


    I have an issue that I'm trying to work out, I done a bunch of searching and haven't been able to find the answer.

    When slicing something that does not have a flat top layer Cura doesn't seem to identify the top layer and as a result prints only the number of layers equal to the Wall Line Count.

    I can force it to more layers by increasing the Wall Line Count but then all walls are unnecessarily thick.

    For example I have number of Wall Line Count set at two, the Top Layers set to 6, a slightly off level top layer will print two layers instead of 6.

    Is this by design?  And if so how do I get the 6 top layers without increasing the number of walls?




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