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Everything posted by kpat33

  1. Ok thanks. I will try and if it does not work I will give a less dinky answer with some more suffisticated informations 😉
  2. Didn't work. It seams that the material is not the only case. It fills in 400°C but the it is still red. There must somthing be like Machine max temp settings somwhere!?
  3. Wow thank you very much! I will try this asap.
  4. I found following json on the outdated Intamsuite software for the Funmat HT. But I can't find any information on the maximal nozzle temperature. Can you help? funmatht.def.json.zip
  5. Hi guys I just configured it as a generic printer. no def.json ore something. Normally the Intamsys Funmat HT Printers use an older version of Cura. But this is to old for me. So i wanted to use the same version as on the other printers I own. Therefore I setup the printer in the newest version of Cura. "Custom FFF Printer" this is exactly what i used 🙂 So therefore I would ask, how can i write a custom file for only this printer? And where can i edit/replace/copy a file to do so.
  6. gr5 thank you very much for your effort to help. I know that this would be a solution, but i would like to have solution which is in the normal pipeline. It is very annoying, if i have to edit the code for one printer while i am working with ten others in the same time. ;-)
  7. Hi there I tried to slice my file with the temperature of 400°C but cura tells my that my temp is to high. I own a Funmat HT which can handle this temperatures. I have searched all over cure to setup the max temp for the nozzle but could not find it. How can i setup the right settings?
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