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Posts posted by colinsk

  1. I was just trying to sort out how to reorder the print order of vase-mode (spiralized) objects. On the latest update the objects are printed in reverse order of when you opened the file/or duplicated them. I had to set my gantry height to 250mm and then verify the placement. I notice there is a shadow on the build plate from the print head settings. How is this calculated? Is it object size plus print head?

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  2. Okay, I finally played with it. I was trying to use it to remove un-needed supports in the preview view after slicing. They are added before slicing. You select the model and then select the support blocking and click on the edge you think will print without support. I was needing that basic of instruction. lol.


    Thank you!

  3. I have tried some random clicking to get supports to function they way I need them but I am having no luck. Is there an FAQ about the support blocker feature? The first 10 Google hits all say that its been talked to death and to search. I have searched here with no luck. There must be an FAQ? Thank you!

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